Errors and inconsistencies

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Errors and inconsistencies

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lokakuu 14, 2010, 3:33 am

Hello! Is somebody awake here?
I just wondered if errors and/or inconsistencies in Dickens's books had already been discussed here. This idea came to my mind because of an error—which I believe is not typographical—I have noticed at the end of Pickwick Papers. I'd like to know if it has been reproduced in other editions. (Mine is Nonesuch.)

Will keep in touch later when I have got the error details with me. Hope to have aroused your curiosity.

lokakuu 14, 2010, 12:30 pm

That you have!

lokakuu 15, 2010, 6:20 am

Back again.

The error I spotted is at the end of chapter XLVII of Pickwick Papers (bottom of page 663, in my Folio Society edition 2004 which follows the Nonesuch Dickens 1937). Pickwick presents Jingle and his servant Job to Perker (his lawyer). The text reads:

"Job you know, I think?" said Mr. Perker, presenting that gentleman.
"I know the rascal," replied Perker, good-humouredly.

Obviously, "Pickwick" should replace "Perker" in the first instance. Is this error found in other editions, or only in mine?

lokakuu 15, 2010, 8:03 am

I'm curious as well to discover if that error occurred in 1937 or 2004 and if it was in any other edition.

lokakuu 20, 2010, 10:52 am

I have a George Routledge & Sons edition that is undated, but I'm guessing late 19th/early 20th century. "Pickwick" and "Perker" are in their correct places if that's any help.

lokakuu 20, 2010, 11:05 am

Hmm. Thanks LizzieD. So it seems that the original was correct, since your edition dates from the turn of the century. I'm still wondering if the Nonesuch Dickens 1937 is correct or not...

tammikuu 8, 2012, 12:20 pm

Greetings from a new member. I've just started on my 2012 challenge of reading all of Dickens' novels in 2012, and have just finished (and thoroughly enjoyed) The Pickwick Papers. One thing that's puzzling me though, and which relates to the same part of chapter XLVII:

Perker appears not to recognise Jingle, but says that he knows Job 'the rascal.' My understanding is that he met Jingle at The White Hart (Chapter X) but has never met Job.

What am I missing?

Love this site by the way!

Muokkaaja: tammikuu 8, 2012, 12:30 pm

Do you also have "Job you know, I think?" said Mr. Perker, presenting that gentleman. in your edition, trickyvic?

BTW: welcome to LT and to this group. You're a brand-new member!

tammikuu 8, 2012, 12:39 pm

Hi Pepys, thanks for the reply and welcome!

I have

'Job you know, I think?' said Mr Pickwick, presenting that gentleman.