Book Places for jessicadobson418

Places within the books in jessicadobson418's library

'Gypsy' Jack's house on wheels

Aslan's Country

Aslan's How

Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, Canada


the Cave of Stone Icicles, Enchanted Forest

the Crystal Falls by the tunnel leading to the back entrance of the Cave of Stone Icicles, Enchanted Forest

Devon, Englanti

Dobbilan & Ballimore's giant castle on Flat Top Mountain

Enchanted Forest

Etelä-Carolina, Yhdysvallat

Fire-Flower Meadow, Enchanted Forest

First Beach, Washington, USA

Flat Top Mountain

Forks, Washington, USA

Four Winds Point, Four Winds, Prince Edward Island, Canada

the Green Glass Pool, Enchanted Forest

Hedeby, Ruotsi

Hedestad, Ruotsi

Herman's house among the pine trees, about halfway from Flat Top Mountain to the dragon Falgorn's cave

Ingleside, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

King Kazul's cave in the Mountains of Morning

the King of the Enchanted Forest's castle

Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Canada

London, England, UK

Lontoo, England, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Lontoo, Englanti

Mendanbar's study with the carved talking gargoyle in his castle

Morwen's house, the Enchanted Forest

Mountains of Morning



Nova Scotia, Canada

Patty's Place, Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Canada

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Prince Edward Island, Canada

Redmond College, Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Canada


Seattle, Washington, USA

Stockholm, Ruotsi

Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Sussex, Englanti


Tylypahka, Scotland, UK


Volterra, Tuscany, Italy