
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Jul 3, 2008
About My Library
I use this to keep track of what books I read. There's no pattern, no rhyme or reason as to what books are on my library. I prefer paranormal and books about drug abuse.
About Me
I would love to one day publish a bookor even better a series. I only use the site to help me with that goal. I have nothing aganist wiht someone sending me a message, and I will answer you. I don't go on this site often, probably twice a month, but yet again I only use this site to help with my writing so I don't need to be on a lot. You are more likely to get a hold of me on my Facebook account, but I don't go on there often either, but that will more than likely change once September rools around. Just look up Annaleigh Marshall and look for the same picture shown on my profile here. I'm aware of the 'Also On' option, but I can't figure out how to work it.


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tyuiop159 antoi tähtiä, tallensi
tyuiop159 antoi tähtiä
tyuiop159 antoi tähtiä, tallensi

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