Oikea nimi
Simon Bull
About My Library
Mostly contemporary fiction, mostly British or American novelists.
I love a good yarn, love quality writing and when you find an author for whom the two aren't mutually exclusive then you're on a winner.
About Me
Hello. I live on the Gower Peninsula, South Wales but am originally from Bath.
Ordinarily I'm a pretty laid back kind of guy, although the success of Dan Brown has been known to rile me.
I remember dreading having to read to my teacher back at Primary School - then one day, out of the blue, it all 'clicked', letters fell into place and those confusing words on the page suddenly all made sense. An epiphany. I've pretty much had a book on the go ever since.

Viimeaikaiset tapahtumat

si.bull antoi tähtiä, tallensi
Libra (tekijä: Don DeLillo
si.bull antoi tähtiä, tallensi
Cell (tekijä: Stephen King
si.bull antoi tähtiä, tallensi
si.bull antoi tähtiä, tallensi