Oikea nimi
Molly Bennett
About My Library
My library has mostly fantasy books. Others would be romance, historical fiction, and some science fiction. O.K. I can read pretty much anything that is put in front of me. I'm not that picky of a person. Pretty bland I know, but that's how I am. Lets just say that amount of books that i own could fill up my school library. Yeah most of my books are in boxes or in my ceder chest. By the way I am a HUGE fan of manga. Love it!! :)
About Me
Gee, why do sites always ask this? I hate having to tell about myself. So in protest of this question, I'm going to tell you how I would like to be. First, I would love to be a lot more taller, smarter, and not so boring. Nextly(7th hour C. English joke), I would like long, DARK red hair, big violet eyes, and normal feet instead of magical(lunch group in my freshman year, no one will remember this though). In conclusion(7th hour again) I would like to change many things about myself but the top thing to change would be my chickmonk(sorry about the spelling, but it's not my fault that my school didn't teach me good spelling skills) laugh. It's really painful for me and others.

O.K., I'm done protesting now, but that really is a dumb question. You know what I need to do. Hire someone to do this for me. No, even better, websites could just get rid of it. Anyway, as you can tell from my username I LOVE Transformers. I also love to play vidio games. A few games that I like would be: all of the Finial Fantisies, Kingdon Hearts I and II, Fable , Oblivion, Guitar Hero I and II, the Halos, and all the Harry Potter games(yes yes I know that the games are really bad and completly boring, but I'm an HP fan so don't judge me), and some that I know I'm forgeting. Reading books is my favorite hobby(that one's a given). Man I'm bad at this, so I am just going to stop. I'm really sorry if you didn't get anything out of this, but at least it was a little entertaining.

By the way, please ignore my spelling. I know that it's REALLY bad. I do have a dictionary siting right next to me, but i just don't want to use it at the time. I think that if you can figure out what the word is I'm o.k.

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