
Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Nov 20, 2018
Oikea nimi
Lisa Bonack
About My Library
Paul Auster...my favorite since I discovered In the Country of Last Things back in the late 1980s. I own all of his novels and several other titles. I enjoy novels, short stories, poetry. I have a fairly sizable collection of books about education. I have a small collection of autographed books. I love books that help me with creative writing (resources ranging from baby name books to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable--anything I can flip through for random ideas). I also love children's books--particularly board books and picture books, but these I mostly check out of the library (when I buy them, I tend to donate them to early literacy programs).
About Me
I'm passionate about education with an emphasis on Humane Education. I'm a flexitarian (I follow a mostly, but not strictly, vegetarian diet). I enjoy writing, and I'm largely out of practice. A couple of my other interests are universal design and city planning. I have bipolar disorder and am well versed in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Milwaukee, WI

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