
Jan 28, 2020
Oikea nimi
Ross Victory
About My Library
Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son is my debut father-son memoir. Views from the Cockpit uses comparative analysis between life journeys and airplane journeys to reflect on a father-son relationship that began airplane watching at LAX airport. Topics include: divorce, resentment, fraud, and elder abuse.
About Me
J. Ross Victory (Ross) is an American author, singer/songwriter, travel enthusiast and author of the father-son memoir, Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son. He spent his early years collecting pens, notepads and interviewing himself in a tape recorder. With an acute awareness for his young age, Ross was eager to point out hypocrisies and character inconsistencies in children and adults through English assignments. If he weren’t keeping his English teachers on their toes for what he would say or write next, he was processing his world through songwriting and music.
Los Angeles
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