
Nov 18, 2009
Oikea nimi
Peter Kubicek
About My Library
My books reflect my major interests. Ever since my liberation, I have been a serious student of the Holocaust -- some people consider me a mine of information on the topic. I am an admirer of good literature; and an avid student of art, with particular emphasis on India's Hindu art, as well as Buddhist art of Tibet and Nepal. And, yes, that's pretty esoteric stuff. Art books have practically taken over our apartment since my wife can also never resist a book on art.
About Me
I was born in Slovakia in 1930. As a Jew, World War II had a major impact on me and on my family. I spent the age of 14-15 in six German concentration camps. I immigrated to this country in 1946, at the age of 16.

My memoir of my Holocaust childhood, called 1000:1 ODDS, was published in 2006. Since my retirement from business in 2001, I have become a docent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City -- a job that now takes about one day a week of my time and is, simply put, the best job in the world I could hope for.
Forest Hills, NY
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