
Fiction (15), Mystery (13), fiction (10), Amateur Sleuth (8), Literary Fiction (7), vintage (6), humour (5), Award Winner (5), Canadian author (5), Canadian (5), social satire (4), Award winner (3), Children's Chapter (3), picture book (3), classic (3), early reviewer (2), WWI (2), Historical (2), Atlantic Canadian (2), Women's Fiction (2), Chicago (2), mystery (2), Vintage (2), essays (2), YA (2), non-fiction (2), DNF (2), historical fiction (2), 1930s (2), Short Stories (2), French (1), Animals (1), Politics (1), Non-fiction (1), Suspense (1), Historical fiction (1), Great Lakes (1), Western (1), Romance (1), Fantasy (1), Memoirs (1), Alex Prud'homme (1), starting in June and not finishing it until nearly the end of July. It’s dense and reads like a textbook: empires and republics ad nauseam. A great Paris-centric overview if you’re studying the history of France but for someone interested in traveling (1), History) I struggled through this for the sake of our planned trip to France (1), by Robert Cole (Nonfiction (1), Award Winner WWII (1), pauson house (1), rose pauson (1), non-ifction (1), Franch cooking (1), Julie & Julia (1), Appalachia (1), chocolate Labs (1), Ficiotn (1), Massey lectures (1), black America (1), Short story (1), Ficition (1), Noir (1), Academic (1), American south (1), Albert Campion (1), Africa (1), architecture (1), China (1), nature (1), poetry (1), WWII (1), wealth (1), 20th century classic (1), winter (1), noir (1), dogs (1), history (1), cinema (1), war (1), classics (1), Translated (1), series (1), children's chapter (1), alphabets (1), Julia Child (1), Vintage Mystery (1), Lake Superior (1), translated (1), Minnesota (1), Botswana (1), United Nations (1), PEI (1), Randolph (1), morris dancers (1), frank lloyd wright (1), Halifax explosion (1), Top 25 (1), Laos (1), memoir (1), short stories (1), climate change (1), Newfoundland (1), it was not so useful. 3 stars (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Apr 27, 2006
Oikea nimi
Debbie Rodgers
About My Library
This is a portion - perhaps one-quarter to one-third of all of my books. Many (maybe even more than half) are non-fiction, but I admit I like fiction better.
Have I read all of these books? LOL. But I'm working on it!
Tatamagouche Nova Scotia
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