Kongressin kirjaston luokitusHD9696.U62
⮑ HD28-9999. Industries. Land use. Labor
⮑ HD9000-9999. Special industries and trades
⮑ HD9680-9714. Mechanical industries
Selected Works (3,739 yhteensä)
- Jack: Straight from the Gut (tekijä: Jack Welch)
- Iacocca : autoelämäkerta (tekijä: Lee Iacocca)
- The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (tekijä: John Battelle)
- IBM and the Holocaust (tekijä: Edwin Black)
- Accidental empires : how the boys of Silicon Valley make their millions, battle foreign competition, and still can't get a date (tekijä: Robert X. Cringely)
- Who Was Steve Jobs? (tekijä: Pam Pollack)
- How Google Works (tekijä: Eric Schmidt)
- The Reckoning (tekijä: David Halberstam)
- The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World (tekijä: David Kirkpatrick)
- Made in Japan (tekijä: Akio Morita)