Henkilöt/hahmotAzariah, King of Judah, son of Amaziah

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Teokset (15)

1 and 2 Kings (tekijä: Iain W. Provan)796-767)(2 Kings 15:1-7
1 and 2 Kings: An Introduction and Commentary (tekijä: D. J. Wiseman)796-767)(2 Kings 15:1-7
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible (tekijä: Adam Clarke)2 Kings 15:1-7
Beacon Bible commentary (tekijä: Ralph Earle)2 Kings 15:1-7
Christ in the Bible Commentary, Vol. 2: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First and Second Samuel, First and Second Kings, First and Second Chronicles (tekijä: A. B. Simpson)2 Kings 15:1-7
An EHV Study Bible - Evangelical Heritage Version (tekijä: God)2 Kings 15:1-7
ESV Expository Commentary: 1 Samuel–2 Chronicles (Volume 3) (tekijä: Iain M. Duguid)2 Kings 15:1-7
The Expositor's Bible Commentary (Volume 4) 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job (tekijä: Frank E. Gaebelein)2 Kings 15:1-7
Holy Bible (King James Version) (tekijä: King James Version)2 Kings 15:1-7
Holy Bible - Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) (tekijä: Wartburg Project)2 Kings 15:1-7
The Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 3: Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job (tekijä: George Arthur Buttrick)796-767 ∙ 2 Kings 15:1-7
The Lutheran Study Bible: English Standard Version (tekijä: Edward A. Engelbrecht)796-767)(2 Kings 15:1-7
The New Interpreter's® Bible Commentary Volume II: Introduction to Narrative Literature, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1& 2 Chronicles (tekijä: Leander E. Keck)2 Kings 15:1-7
The Oxford Self-Pronouncing Bible (tekijä: King James Translation) 2 Kings 15:1-7
Popular Commentary of the Bible: Old Testament, Volume 1 (tekijä: Paul Edward Kretzmann)796-767)(2 Kings 15:1-7