Author Cloud for tanner_library

Richard I. Aaron(1) Leonard Dalton Abbott(1) Brooks Adams(1) Henry Adams(3) Mortimer J. Adler(5) Mortimer J; Cain Adler, Seymour(1) Henry David Aiken(1) Ernest Albee(1) Ethel M. Albert(1) Virgil C. Aldrich(3) Samuel Alexander(1) Dante Alighieri(2) Reginald E. Allen(2) David B. Allison(1) Boethius(2) G. E. M. Anscombe(1) Anselm of Canterbury(1) Philip Appleman(1) Hannah Arendt(2) Dan Ariely(1) Aristotle(19) Aristotle; Sir David Ross ( Editor )(1) A. H. Armstrong(1) D. M. Armstrong(1) Antoine Arnauld(1) Steven E. Aschheim(1) Peter D. Asquith(1) Henri Atlan(1) Saint Augustine(6) Marcus Aurelius(5) J. L. Austin(3) John Austin(1) A. J. Ayer(8) Francis Bacon(1) Leo Baeck(1) Archie J. Bahm(2) Kurt Baier(1) Charles M. Bakewell(1) James Mark Baldwin(1) Renford Bambrough(1) Claude T. Barnes(1) Jonathan Barnes(3) Richard J. Barnet(1) William Barrett(2) John Bartlett(2) Bruno Bauer(1) Zygmunt Bauman(2) Franklin Le Van Baumer(2) Kenneth Baynes(1) Carl L. Becker(1) Lawrence C. Becker(3) Lewis White Beck(1) Frederick C. Beiser(1) Miguel de Beistegui(1) Paul Benacerraf(2) Arnold J. Benedetto(1) Jonathan Bennett(2) Jeremy Bentham(3) Nikolai Berdyaev(1) Gustav Bergmann(1) Henri Bergson(1) G Berkeley(1) Isaiah Berlin(3) Harold T. Betteridge(1) David Biale(1) Walter Biemel(1) A. K. Bierman(1) Simon Blackburn(1) Max Black(5) Thomas J. Blakeley(1) Ralph M. Blake(1) Josef Bleicher(1) Ned Block(1) Allan Bloom(2) George Boas(1) Philotheus Boehner(1) James Bogen(1) Bernard Bolzano(1) Saint Bonaventure(1) John Elof Boodin(1) George Boole(1) George S. Boolos(1) Bernard Bosanquet(2) Richard Bosley(2) James Boswell(1) Tom Bottomore(1) Kenneth E. Boulding(1) Pierre Bourdieu(1) Mark Bowen(1) Andrew Bowie(1) Gamaliel Bradford(1) F. H. Bradley(4) R. B. Braithwaite(2) Harvie Branscomb(1) Stephen E. Braude(1) Franz Clemens Brentano(1) P. W. Bridgman(1) William Bridgwater(1) John Bright(1) Crane Brinton(5) C. D. Broad(1) Van Wyck Brooks(1) Lewis Browne(2) Emil Brunner(1) Gerald L. Bruns(1) Mary Buffett(1) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Rudolf Bultmann(2) Tyler Burge(1) John Buridan(1) Edmund Burke(1) Donald R. Burrill(1) Ernest De Witt Burton(1) Edwin A. Burtt(2) Joseph Butler(1) Richard Butler(1) Herbert Butterfield(1) George Arthur Buttrick(2) Ingram Ross ; Bywater, W.D. (Editor)Roberts, W. Rhys; Forster, E. S.(1) John Caird(1) Daniel Callahan(1) John Calvin(5) Joseph Campbell(1) Albert Camus(2) Rudolf Carnap(2) Frederic Ives Carpenter(1) E. H. Carr(1) Richard Cartwright(1) Ernst Cassirer(4) Curtis Cate(1) Charles E. Caton(1) Stanley Cavell(1) Owen Chadwick(1) Jean-Pierre Changeux(1) Wing-tsit Chan(2) Deen K. Chatterjee(2) Harold F. Cherniss(1) G.K. Chesterton(1) Roderick M. Chisholm(1) Noam Chomsky(1) Darrel E. Christensen(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(2) E. Clifton(1) John B. Cobb(1) I. Bernard Cohen(1) Morris Raphael Cohen(3) James Samuel Coleman(1) R. G. Collingwood(5) James Daniel Collins(2) Saxe Commins(1) Confucius(1) Charles Horton Cooley(2) John M. Cooper(1) Frederick Copleston(2) Francis Macdonald Cornford(2) Daniel Cory(1) Stephen F. Cotgrove(1) Charles Crawford(1) Herrlee Glessner Creel(1) Benedetto Croce(5) Benjamin D. Crowe(3) Lawrence Cunningham(1) Edwin M. Curley(1) A. D'Abro(1) Fred R. Dallmayr(1) Antonio R. Damasio(2) William Cecil Dampier Dampier(1) Lori F. Damrosch(1) M. C. D'Arcy(1) Surendranath Dasgupta(1) Lorraine Daston(1) Donald Davidson(6) R.J. Delahunty(1) Daniel Clement Dennett(1) René Descartes(4) John Dewey(22) Santi Di Bella(1) Robert H. Dicke(1) B. J. Diggs(1) Wilhelm Dilthey(2) Michael P. Dixon(1) E. R. Dodds(1) Christopher T.J. Dodson(1) G. William Domhoff(1) Alan Donagan(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(2) K. J. Dover(1) William H. Dray(1) D. A. Drennen(1) Hubert L. Dreyfus(2) William Porcher Dubose(1) Pierre Duhem(1) Michael Dummett(2) Elmer H. Duncan(1) John Duns Scotus(2) Louis Dupre(1) Will Durant(2) Timothy Dwight(1) Ronald Dworkin(1) Dorothy Eagle(1) William Earle(1) John Earman(1) Myron Echenberg(1) Franklin Edgerton(1) Paul Edwards(3) Tryon Edwards(1) Eugene H. Ehrlich(1) Robert Sherman Ehrlich(1) Walther Eichrodt(1) Albert Einstein(1) Arthur A. Ekirch(1) T. S. Eliot(2) Ralph Waldo Emerson(6) Sextus Empiricus(1) Epictetus(2) Desiderius Erasmus(3) Johannes Scotus Erigena(1) A. C. Ewing(2) Eugene Rathbone Fairweather(1) Marvin Farber(1) Thomas A. Fay(1) Charles Feidelson(1) Herbert Feigl(2) Joel Feinberg(2) Ferge Gábor,(1) Ludwig Feuerbach(1) Paul K. Feyerabend(1) Johann Gottlieb Fichte(1) J. N. Findley(1) Oscar W. Firkins(1) Max Harold Fisch(1) Antony Flew(2) Elizabeth Flower(1) Francis H. Fobes(1) Jerry A. Fodor(1) Robert J. Fogelin(1) Jean de La Fontaine(2) Harry Emerson Fosdick(1) Michel Foucault(3) Bas C. van Fraassen(1) Leslie J. Francis(1) Kuno Francke(1) Charles Frankel(1) Manfred Frank(1) Michael Frede(1) Robert Freedman(1) Gottlob Frege(3) Peter A. French(2) Ivo Frenzel(1) Charles Fried(1) Maurice S. Friedman(2) Carl J. Friedrich(2) Manfred S. Frings(1) Northrop Frye(2) B. A. G. Fuller(1) Lon L. Fuller(1) Fung Yu-lan(1) Hans-Georg Gadamer(1) Galileo Galilei(1) Walter Bryce Gallie(1) Sebastian Gardner(1) Don Garrett(2) José Ortega y Gasset(2) Stephen Gaukroger(1) Michael S. Gazzaniga(1) P. T. Geach(2) George Raymond Geiger(1) Ernest Gellner(1) Giovanni Gentile(1) Quentin Gibson(1) Charles Gillispie(1) Jerry H. Gill(1) Étienne Gilson(4) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) Maurice Goguel(1) Rebecca Goldstein(1) Theodor Gomperz(1) Nelson Goodman(3) Russell B. Goodman(2) Edgar J. Goodspeed(1) John T. Graham(2) Christine Marie Grammes(1) Richard H. Green(1) S. L. Greenslade(1) Thomas Hill Green(1) Marjorie Grene(1) A. Phillips Griffiths(1) Adolf Grünbaum(1) Charles Guignon(2) Margaret Gullan-Whur(1) W. K. C. Guthrie(1) Gary Gutting(1) Jacques Hadamard(1) Ernst Haeckel(1) Hiralal Haldar(1) Daniel Halevy(1) A. R. Hall(1) Barry Hallen(1) Emily S. Hamblen(1) Alexander Hamilton(1) Plato (translated By Walter Hamilton)(1) D. W. Hamlyn(1) Stuart Hampshire(1) Norwood Russell Hanson(2) Walter Harding(1) R. M. Hare(2) Adolf von Harnack(1) H. S. Harris(1) E. Richard Hart(1) H. L. A. Hart(2) James Hastings(1) F. A. Hayek(1) Thomas L. Heath(1) Jennifer Michael Hecht(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(15) Martin Heidegger(35) Jean van Heijenoort(1) Robert L. Heilbroner(2) Werner Heisenberg(1) Robert Heiss(1) Thomas C. Heller(1) Carl G. Hempel(1) Hermann Hesse(5) Mary B. Hesse(1) Jaakko Hintikka(1) E. D. Hirsch(1) William Hirstein(1) Hobbes(1) Thomas Hobbes(3) L. T. Hobhouse(2) William Ernest Hocking(1) Koh Chye Hock(1) Keith Hoeller(1) Harald Høffding(2) Piotr Hoffman(1) Homer(2) Ted Honderich(1) Sidney Hook(2) Karen Horney(1) Charles Huenemann(1) David Hume(6) Isaac Husik(1) Edmund Husserl(8) Aldous Huxley(1) Arthur Hyman(1) Jean Hyppolite(1) Boris Iglewicz(1) Michael Inwood(2) Terence Irwin(1) Werner Jaeger(1) Ronald Jager(1) Henry James(2) William James(11) James L. Jarrett(1) James Louis Jarrett(1) Karl Jaspers(4) Thomas Jefferson(1) Friedrich Georg Jünger(1) ARISTOTLE (TRANSLATED BY R. P. HARDIE AND R. K. GAYE; J. L. STOCKS; H. H. JOACHI(1) Harold H. Joachim(2) A. H. Johnson(1) William H. Nienhauser Jr.(1) C. G. Jung(1) Hwa Yol Jung(1) Adrian Van Kaam(1) Howard Kahane(1) Immanuel Kant(18) Harold I. Kaplan(1) S. Paul Kashap(1) Walter Arnold Kaufmann(5) Richard Kearney(1) Charles W. Kegley(2) Salim Kemal(1) Anthony Kenny(1) Thomas Samuel Kepler(1) Karl Kerényi(1) Daniel J. Kevles(1) Søren Kierkegaard(12) Halla Kim(1) Philip Kitcher(1) Stephen Cole Kleene(1) E. D. Klemke(3) Joseph J. Kockelmans(4) Leszek Kolakowski(1) Janet A. Kourany(1) Isaac Kramnick(1) David Farrell Krell(1) Norman Kretzmann(1) Yervant H Krikorian(1) Saul A. Kripke(1) Peter Kropotkin(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(3) H. M. Kuitert(1) A. R. Lacey(1) John Lachs(1) John Laird(1) Thomas Langan(1) Peter Laslett(3) Bruno Latour(1) Stephen Laurence(1) Nathaniel Morris Lawrence(1) William Edward Hartpole Lecky(1) Justin Leiber(1) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz(5) Ray Lepley(1) Max [1902 - 1992] - Contributor. Aristotle. Lerner(1) Ralph Lerner(1) Emmanuel Levinas(1) Tim Lewens(1) Clarence Irving Lewis(5) David K. Lewis(1) Richard L. Liboff(1) Henry George Liddell(1) Leonard Linsky(1) Yutang Lin(1) John Locke(5) Jacob Loewenberg(1) Arthur O. Lovejoy(4) Scott C. Lowe(1) Walter Lowrie(2) Samuel Lowy(1) Lucretius(3) Martin Luther(3) Charles Lyell(1) C. A. Mace(1) Peter Machamer(2) Ernst Mach(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(2) J.J. Macintosh(1) Alasdair MacIntyre(1) J. L. Mackie(1) William B. Macomber(1) John Macquarrie(3) Bryan Magee(1) Moses Maimonides(3) Rudolf A. Makkreel(1) Gregor Malantschuk(1) Norman Malcolm(2) Michael Mandelbaum(1) Karl Mannheim(1) Thomas Mann(2) Frank E. Manuel(1) Gabriel Marcel(1) Herbert Marcuse(8) Julián Marías(1) Gordon Daniel Marino(1) Jacques Maritain(2) Thomas Carson Mark(1) C. B. Martin(2) Karl Marx(3) Benson Mates(1) Shailer Mathews(1) Floyd W. Matson(1) Wallace I. Matson(1) F. O. Matthiessen(1) Jane Dammen McAuliffe(1) Peter McCandless(1) John McCormick(1) George McCracken(1) William McDougall(1) Thomas McEvilley(1) Arthur Cushman McGiffert(1) Richard McKeon(3) David McLellan(1) Sterling M. McMurrin(3) George Herbert Mead(4) Jarava Lal Mehta(1) Constance C. Meinwald(1) A. I. Melden(2) H. L. Mencken(1) Maurice Merleau-Ponty(1) Hans Meyerhoff(1) Ben Mezrich(1) James A. Michener(1) John Stuart Mill(5) Christian Moevs(1) Ray Monk(2) Ashley Montagu(1) Richard Montague(1) William Pepperell Montague(2) Michel de Montaigne(4) Ernest A Moody(1) A. W. Moore(2) Charles Alexander Moore(1) G. E. Moore(4) Wilbert E. Moore(1) George Allen Morgan(1) Harold Morick(1) Charles W. Morris(1) Charles William Morris(1) Thomas V. Morris(1) William Morris(1) Ernest C. Mossner(1) Alexander P. D. Mourelatos(1) Georges J. D. Moyal(1) Walter George Muelder(1) Stephen Mulhall(1) John Douglas Mullen(1) Lewis Mumford(1) Milton K. Munitz(2) Arthur Edward Murphy(2) Michael Murray(1) Raymond H. Myers(1) Arne Næss(1) Ernest Nagel(1) Thomas Nagel(2) Milton C. Nahm(1) George Nakhnikian, editor [Russell](1) Maurice Natanson(1) Alexander Nehamas(1) William Allan Neilson(1) Dalmas H. Nelson(1) Gunther Neske(1) Richard Lewis Nettleship(1) Otto Neurath(1) James R. Newman(1) John Henry Newman(1) Isaac Newton(1) Reinhold Niebuhr(15) Friedrich Nietzsche(19) Swami Nikhilananda(1) Robert A. Nisbet(1) Donald A. Norman(1) John Norris(1) F. S. C. Northrop(1) Robert Nozick(2) Anders Nygren(1) Whitney J. Oates(1) William Ockham(2) D. J. O'Connor(1) Wendy Doniger(1) C. K. Ogden(1) De Lacy O'Leary(1) Clifton E. Olmstead(1) Brian E O'Neil(1) Margaret J. Osler(1) Rudolf Otto(1) John Ernest Leonard Oulton(1) Heinz R. Pagels(1) Arthur Pap(1) Peter Park(1) Vernon Louis Parrington(1) H. J. Paton(1) David Pears(2) Charles S. Peirce(3) J. Roland Pennock(2) Roger Penrose(2) John Perry(2) Ralph Barton Perry(7) Michael L. Peterson(1) Ray C. Petry(1) Heinrich Wiegand Petzet(1) Charles Petzold(1) Howard Nelson Tuttle PhD(1) Jean Piaget(1) George Pitcher(1) Risto Pitkänen(1) Valerie Pitt(1) Edo Pivčević(1) John Petrov Plamenatz(1) Max Planck(1) Alvin Plantinga(1) Plato(18) H. T. Pledge(1) Plotinus(1) Val Plumwood(1) Robin Le Poidevin(1) Henri Poincaré(1) Louis P. Pojman(2) Karl Popper(3) A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada(1) James S. Preus(1) H. H. Price(3) Harold Arthur Prichard(1) Ilya Prigogine(1) Marcel Proust(1) Hilary Putnam(3) W. V. Quine(8) Melvin Miller Rader(1) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan(4) Eric Rakowski(1) Frank Plumpton Ramsey(2) Benjamin Rand(1) John Rawls(2) Waldemer P. Read(1) Nicholas Rescher(2) Cyril Richardson(1) Robert D. Richardson(1) William J. Richardson(1) H. P. Rickman(1) Dale Maurice Riepe(1) Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen(1) D. W. Robertson, Jr.(1) Edwin H. Robertson(1) R. W. Carlyle(1) Richard Robinson(1) James Robson(1) Tom Rockmore(1) Arthur Kenyon Rogers(1) Lewis M. Rogers(1) Géza Róheim(1) George D. Romanos(1) Amelie Oksenberg Rorty(2) Richard Rorty(3) Jay F. Rosenberg(1) ed.][W. D. Ross] Aristotle [Sir David Ross(1) Sir David Ross(1) Floyd Hiatt Ross(1) Clinton Rossiter(1) W. D. Ross(3) W.D. Ross, Ed.(1) W. D. Ross, Tr. Aristotle.(1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(5) Josiah Royce(1) Dagobert D. Runes(2) Ralph L. Rusk(1) Bertrand Russell(52) Gilbert Ryle(1) Miguel de Cervantes(2) George Holland Sabine(1) Rüdiger Safranski(1) Michael J. Sandel(2) Gerasimos Xenophon Santas(1) George Santayana(17) George Sarton(2) Jean-Paul Sartre(12) C. Wade Savage(1) Uri Savir(1) W. W. Sawyer(1) T. M. Scanlon(1) Israel Scheffler(2) Jonathan Schell(1) F. C. S. Schiller(1) Friedrich Schiller(1) Paul Arthur Schilpp(8) Friedrich Schleiermacher(1) Carl Schmitt(1) Herbert W. Schneider(2) Heinrich Scholz(1) Arthur Schopenhauer(3) Alan D. Schrift(1) G. F. Schueler(1) Kathryn Schulz(1) Jacob Gould Schurman(1) Alfred Schütz(2) Leo W. Schwarz(1) Albert Schweitzer(3) Brad Scott(1) Charles E. Scott(1) Roger Scruton(1) John R. Searle(4) Samuel Seely(1) Wilfrid Sellars(1) Amartya Sen(2) Michel Serres(1) William Shakespeare(2) Ian Shapiro(1) Lev Shestov(1) Abner Shimony(2) Sydney Shoemaker(1) Henry Shue(1) F. N. Sibley(1) Henry Sidgwick(1) Hugh J. Silverman(1) Georg Simmel(1) George Gaylord Simpson(1) Marcus George Singer(2) Peter Singer(2) Simon Singh(1) J. J. C. Smart(1) Adam Smith(7) Barbara H. Smith(1) David Woodruff Smith(1) Edward E. Smith(1) H. Shelton Smith(1) Huston Smith(2) J A and Ross Smith, W d, editors(1) J. M. Powis Smith(1) Norman Kemp Smith(2) Lee Smolin(1) Bruno Snell(1) Carl H. Snyder(1) Robert C. Solomon(3) Sophocles(1) William V. Spanos(1) E.K. Specht(1) Herbert Spencer(1) Oswald Spengler(4) Edmund Spenser(1) Herbert Spiegelberg(1) Matthew Spinka(1) Baruch Spinoza(10) Frits Staal(1) W. T. Stace(5) Renaissance Universal Journal Staff(1) Joan Stambaugh(1) Anthony Standen(1) Henry Staten(1) Diana Burns Steinberg(1) Anthony J. Steinbock(1) Leslie Stephen(2) Charles L. Stevenson(1) Matthew Stewart(1) Max Stirner(1) I. F. Stone(1) P. F. Strawson(2) B. H. Streeter(1) Avrum Stroll(1) Barry Stroud(1) Tomislav Sunic(1) Frederick Suppe(1) Patrick Suppes(1) Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki(3) Giorgio Tagliacozzo(1) Rabindranath Tagore(1) Michael Tanner(1) Obert C. Tanner(4) Bangs Tapscott(1) A. E. Taylor(2) A. M. Taylor(1) Charles Taylor(2) William Telfer(1) Frederick Robert Tennant(2) Pierre Thevenaz(1) Thomas Aquinas(5) Richmond H. Thomason(2) Wilhelmina M. Thoma(1) Francis Thompson(1) Josiah Thompson(1) Iain D. Thomson(1) Judith Jarvis Thomson(1) Henry David Thoreau(5) Paul Thormeyer(1) Paul Tibbetts(1) Paul Tillich(7) Charles Tilly(1) Ferdinand Tönnies(1) Samuel Totten(1) Stephen Toulmin(6) Arnold Toynbee(3) Sharon Traweek(1) Ernst Troeltsch(1) Robert C. Tucker(1) Richard Tuck(1) Ivan Turgenev(1) James Turner(1) Jonathan H. Turner(1) Stephen P. Turner(1) Gabriel Turville-Petre(1) Howard N. Tuttle(10) Friedrich Ueberweg(1) Miguel de Unamuno(1) Evelyn Underhill(1) Peter K. Unger(1) Daniela Vallega-Neu(1) James Samuel Van Teslaar(1) Henry Babcock Veatch(1) Vernon Venable(1) Xavier. Rubert de VentGos(1) Godfrey Norman Agmondisham Vesey(1) Giambattista Vico(1) Karl Vietor(1) Virgil(1) Gregory Vlastos(4) Frans de Waal(1) Helen Waddell(1) Williston Walker(1) William Wallace(1) W. H. Walsh(1) Michael Walzer(2) James Ward(1) William Beatty Warner(1) Richard A. Wasserstrom(1) Gary Watson(1) Alfred Weber(1) Max Weber(2) Julius Rudolf Weinberg(2) James A. Weisheipl(1) Paul Weiss(1) W. H. Werkmeister(1) Brooke Foss Westcott(1) Gustav A. Wetter(1) Philip Wheelwright(1) William Whewell(2) Alan White(1) Alan R. White(1) Andrew Dickson White(2) Alfred North Whitehead(9) Morton Gabriel White(4) Nicholas P. White(1) Walt Whitman(1) D.D. LL. D. Whitsitt(1) William Heth Whitsitt(1) Benjamin Lee Whorf(1) Philip P. Wiener(4) Paul Wienpahl(1) David Wiggins(2) John Daniel Wild(1) Maurice Wilkins(1) Bernard Williams(3) George Huntston Williams(1) Barrie Wilson(1) Margaret Dauler Wilson(1) John F. Wippel(1) John Oulton Wisdom(1) John Wisdom(1) Ludwig Wittgenstein(8) Robert Paul Wolff(2) Harry Austryn Wolfson(1) Richard Wolin(1) Nicholas Wolterstorff(1) Alan Wood(1) William Wordsworth(2) Maurice De Wulf(1) Irvin Yalom(1) John W. Yolton(1) Palle Yourgrau(1) R. C. Zaehner(2) Saiyid Zafar al-Ḣasan(1) José L. Zalabardo(1) Paul Ziff(1) Heinrich Robert Zimmer(1) Michael E. Zimmerman(2) Ulrich Zwingli(1)