Neil Richardson (täsmennys)

"Neil Richardson" koostuu ainakin 5 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

Tietoja tekijästä

Includes the name: Neil Richardson

Author Division


There are at least 5 'Neil Richardson's here:
1) Richardson, Neil G. (b. 1943) - author of 'Was Jesus divine?', etc.
2) Richardson, Neil (b. 1948) - author of 'Manchester and Salford directory ...', etc.
3) Richardson, Neil Robert (b. 14 July 1963) - author of 'The craft heritage of Oman', etc.

4) Neil Richardson Senior Lecturer Marketing Leeds Metropolitan University

5) Neil Richardson graduate of University College Dublin, playwright and author of 'A Coward if I Return, A Hero if I Fall'.