Jim Long (täsmennys)

"Jim Long" koostuu ainakin 4 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

Author Division

Jim Long (1)

Great Herb Mixes You Can Make (2010) 8 kappaletta
Herbal Cosmetics (1992) 7 kappaletta
Herbs, Just for Fun (1996) 6 kappaletta
Tea & Cakes Under the Trellis (2013) 6 kappaletta

Jim Long (3)

Works have been aliased into James D. Long.

Jim Long (ei tiedossa)

Making herb vinegars (2005) 3 kappaletta
Classic Herb Blends (2003) 2 kappaletta


#1 Long, Jim, (James E.), 1946- (b. 05-23-46) Making herbal dream pillows #2 Long, Jim (James Thomas) The new Munsell student color set
#3 Jim (James D.) Long - Battletech and other RPG books
#4 Long, Jim. How could God let this happen?