Ireland (täsmennys)

"Ireland" koostuu ainakin 4 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

Author Division

Ireland (1)

Works have been aliased into Republic of Ireland.

National Heritage Plan (2002) 2 kappaletta
Final report (2002) 2 kappaletta
White paper on defence (2000) 1 kappale
First progress report (1998) 1 kappale
Ireland's Emerald Treasure (1987) 1 kappale
Second progress report (1997) 1 kappale
Interim report (1996) 1 kappale

Ireland (2)

Baby for Hire (1999) 6 kappaletta

Ireland (ei tiedossa)

Ireland 3 kappaletta
Framework and Principles (1999) 3 kappaletta
Official Road Atlas Ireland (2015) 3 kappaletta
Mom for a Week (1994) 1 kappale
Ireland's environment 2008 (2008) 1 kappale
UN Convention Rights (1998) 1 kappale
The four courts 1 kappale
International Joyce (2004) 1 kappale
Piano Works 1 (1997) 1 kappale
Avis 1 kappale
Budget 1 kappale
Claire O'Kelly 1 kappale
Guide Book 1 kappale
Irish conveyancing statutes (1994) 1 kappale


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#1 Ireland is the country: this is used as an author name for various official government publications.
#3 Norma Olin Ireland
#5 Forthspring Inter Community Group