Sherlock Holmes (täsmennys)

"Sherlock Holmes" koostuu ainakin 2 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

Author Division

Sherlock Holmes (ei tiedossa)

Estudio escarlata (2001) 14 kappaletta
A Case of Royal Blackmail (2021) 3 kappaletta
The Definitive (2017) 2 kappaletta
A chapter on ears (2000) 1 kappale
Melancholia In Music (2012) 1 kappale


#1 Holmes, Sherlock, supposed author of Practical handbook of bee culture; actually written by Karl Showler.

#2 Holmes, Sherlock, supposed author of The use of disguise in crime detection; actually written by Val Andrews.