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Roy Blount, Jr.

Teoksen Alphabet Juice tekijä

36+ teosta 2,521 jäsentä 57 arvostelua 3 Favorited

Tietoja tekijästä

Roy Blount, Jr., has written for the Atlantic Monthly since 1981.
Image credit: Credit: Larry D. Moore, 2007 Texas Book Festival, Austin, Texas


Tekijän teokset

Alphabet Juice (2008) 514 kappaletta, 21 arvostelua
If Only You Knew How Much I Smell You: True Portraits of Dogs (1998) — Tekijä — 240 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua
Robert E. Lee (2003) 221 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
Long Time Leaving: Dispatches from Up South (2007) 165 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Feet on the Street (2005) 116 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Be Sweet: A Conditional Love Story (1998) 114 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Now, Where Were We? (1989) 107 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Alphabetter Juice: or, The Joy of Text (2011) 99 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
I Am Puppy Hear Me Yap: The Ages of Dog (2000) — Tekijä — 98 kappaletta
Roy Blount's Book of Southern Humor (1994) 86 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
I am the cat, don't forget that (2004) — Tekijä — 83 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
First Hubby (1990) 75 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Not Exactly What I Had in Mind (1985) — Tekijä — 69 kappaletta

Associated Works

Fierce Pajamas: An Anthology of Humor Writing from The New Yorker (2001) — Avustaja — 716 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua
For the Love of Books: 115 Celebrated Writers on the Books They Love Most (1999) — Avustaja — 458 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage (2001) — Esipuhe, eräät painokset432 kappaletta, 10 arvostelua
Sudden Fiction: American Short-Short Stories (1986) — Avustaja — 365 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua
Baseball: A Literary Anthology (2002) — Avustaja — 343 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
The Best of Modern Humor (1983) — Avustaja — 296 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
A Treasury of Mark Twain (1999) — Johdanto — 230 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Russell Baker's Book of American Humor (1993) — Avustaja — 209 kappaletta
The Best American Essays 1997 (1997) — Avustaja — 157 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Mark Twain Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Work (2010) — Avustaja — 144 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Know the Past, Find the Future: The New York Public Library at 100 (2011) — Avustaja — 119 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Good Dog: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Loyalty (2014) 78 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! The Oddly Informative News Quiz (2002) — Esipuhe — 74 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
O Holy Cow! : The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto (1993) — Johdanto — 70 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Hungry Ear: Poems of Food and Drink (2012) — Avustaja — 64 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Southern Dogs and Their People (2000) — Avustaja — 40 kappaletta
Antaeus No. 61, Autumn 1988 - Journals, Notebooks & Diaries (1988) — Avustaja — 35 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Antaeus No. 75/76, Autumn 1994 - The Final Issue (1994) — Avustaja — 34 kappaletta
New Stories from the South 2003: The Year's Best (2003) — Preface — 33 kappaletta
The Quotable Baseball Fanatic (2000) — Esipuhe — 30 kappaletta
Wait Wait...I'm Not Done Yet! A Memoir (2014) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta
Playboy Magazine ~ March 1982 (1982) — Tekijä — 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Blount, Roy, Jr.
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Decatur, Georgia, USA
Harvard University (M.A., 1964)
Vanderbilt University (B.A., 1963)
Rock Bottom Remainders (band)
Fellowship of Southern Writers
Authors Guild (president)
National Public Radio (Wait, Wait. . . Don't Tell Me)
Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Thomas Wolfe Award (2009)
Phi Beta Kappa
Lyhyt elämäkerta
Roy Blount, Jr. says on his web site: Born to Southern parents in Indianapolis. Grew up in Decatur, Georgia. U.S. Army 1964-66. Reporter and columnist for Atlanta Journal and part-time English instructor at Georgia State College, 1966-68. Free-lance since leaving SI in 1975. Husband of painter Joan Griswold, father of social worker daughter Ennis and director-writer-actor-songwriter son Kirven (with whom he wrote and appeared in a five-minute film on extreme sports for ESPN), grandfather of of Jesse, Noah and Elsie. No pets at present, but previously dogs, cats, horse, rooster, snake, turtle, hamster, monitor lizard, parakeet and hens.



Blount really loves the Marx Brothers' film Duck Soup. I think he loves it too much to write true film criticism of it. He's adopting the tone, he's trying to make jokes...and he isn't really succeeding. I didn't learn anything new about the film, its place in the zeitgeist, its value, its skeptics. I only learned that Blount really, really, really loves Duck Soup.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
sparemethecensor | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 26, 2024 |
Fun book on word origins and trivia. A little blue humor.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
kslade | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 25, 2024 |
Life is too short to slog through all the folksy anecdotes and sports reminiscences and stream-of-consciousness ponderings to get to the nuggets of interesting history and etymology. Maybe someday I'll come back and pick at a word here and there...but I doubt it.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
slimikin | 20 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 27, 2022 |
Fun and funny! Lovely photos with delightful annotations! A must for dog lovers! I keep extra copies to give as gifts!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
njcur | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 29, 2021 |



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