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Guerra y paz

Guerra y paz (1868)

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29,05346095 (4.26)28 / 2457
Sota Ja Rauha I & IIBy Leo Tolstoi
Teoksen nimi:Guerra y paz
Info:Publisher Unknown, 1856 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Sota ja rauha (tekijä: Leo Tolstoy) (1868)

  1. 170
    Kurjat (tekijä: Victor Hugo) (chrisharpe)
  2. 80
    Elämä ja kohtalo (tekijä: Vasily Grossman) (chrisharpe, longway)
  3. 60
    Buddenbrookit : erään suvun rappeutumistarina (tekijä: Thomas Mann) (roby72)
  4. 20
    La Storia (tekijä: Elsa Morante) (roby72)
  5. 20
    The Kreutzer Sonata (Odin's Library Classics) (tekijä: León Tolstói) (BINDINGSTHATLAST)
  6. 10
    La Lumière des justes (tekijä: Henri Troyat) (Eustrabirbeonne)
    Eustrabirbeonne: Well, Henri Troyat is no Tolstoy of course, and he did not pretend he was : he described himself as a mere "storyteller". Yet some of his fiction is real good, and this "cycle" is certainly his best. And of course, Russian-born Lev Aslanovich Tarasov had in mind the never-written sequel to "War and Peace" about the Decembrist uprising, which Tolstoy initiates in the final chapters of "War and Peace" with his hints at Pierre's active participation in a "society". Would Natasha, already a mother of four in 1820, have left her children behind to follow Pierre in Siberia, as other convicts' wives did?… (lisätietoja)
  7. 10
    Elokuu neljätoista (tekijä: Alexander Solzhenitsyn) (ukh)
  8. 10
    The Dynasts (tekijä: Thomas Hardy) (CurrerBell)
    CurrerBell: Hardy's "Immanent Will" has much in common with Tolstoy's historical determinism. Personally, I'm in that probably quite small minority that prefers The Dynasts over Tolstoy's novel – partly because I find in Hardy's "The Road to Waterloo" scene (3.VI.vii) one of the greatest of antiwar poems.… (lisätietoja)
  9. 10
    They Were Counted (tekijä: Miklós Bánffy) (WirSindAlive)
    WirSindAlive: Both works share the thrilling stories in a the historical setting of the hight aristocracy, mixed with some political backgroungd.
  10. 11
    Vuodet (tekijä: Virginia Woolf) (roby72)
  11. 11
    Los mas bellos cuentos rusos. Prologo con resena critica de la obra, vida y obra del autor, y marco historico. (Spanish Edition) (tekijä: Alexander Pushkin) (carajava)
    carajava: Es muy recomendable despues o, en todo caso antes de leer guerra y paz, puesto que, mejorarà tu forma de ver el mundo donde viviàn los rusos, comprenderlo y razonar sus precarias situaciònes.
  12. 11
    Vuosisadan matkustaja (tekijä: Andrés Neuman) (rrmmff2000)
  13. 13
    Tuulen viemää (tekijä: Margaret Mitchell) (fulner)
    fulner: rich people sit around and talk about war as if it didn't matter
  14. 14
    Ranskalainen sarja : Myrsky kesäkuussa (tekijä: Irène Némirovsky) (chrisharpe)
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Ryhmä ViestiketjuViestitViimeinen viesti 
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 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 2, Part III6 lukematonta / 6EMS_24, kesäkuu 2021
 75 Books Challenge for 2017: Group read: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy33 lukematonta / 33Storeetllr, helmikuu 2017
 2016 Category Challenge: Group Read: War and Peace189 lukematonta / 189mathgirl40, huhtikuu 2016
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Intro thread (no spoilers)42 lukematonta / 42jnwelch, joulukuu 2015
 Fans of Russian authors: New edition of War and Peace?3 lukematonta / 3DanMat, heinäkuu 2012
 History at 30,000 feet: The Big Picture: WWII, from the inside10 lukematonta / 10cbellia, helmikuu 2012
 Fans of Russian authors: Who Translated the 1911 Everyman's Library War and Peace?6 lukematonta / 6DanMat, syyskuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 3, Part III10 lukematonta / 10Rebeki, heinäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 3, Part II10 lukematonta / 10Rebeki, heinäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 2, Part V12 lukematonta / 12Rebeki, heinäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 2, Part IV7 lukematonta / 7Rebeki, heinäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Epilogue II9 lukematonta / 9cushlareads, kesäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 1, Part 3 spoiler thread13 lukematonta / 13Rebeki, kesäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Epilogue I8 lukematonta / 8JanetinLondon, kesäkuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 4, Part IV7 lukematonta / 7JanetinLondon, kesäkuu 2011
 Book talk: War And Peace8 lukematonta / 8Sandydog1, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 1, Part 2 spoiler thread13 lukematonta / 13Deern, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - "Wrap Up" (spoiler) Thread6 lukematonta / 6JanetinLondon, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 4, Part III3 lukematonta / 3JanetinLondon, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 4, Part II6 lukematonta / 6JanetinLondon, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 1, Part 1 spoiler thread16 lukematonta / 16JanetinLondon, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 4, Part I7 lukematonta / 7JanetinLondon, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2011: War and Peace Group Read 2011 - Vol 3, Part I8 lukematonta / 8cushlareads, toukokuu 2011
 75 Books Challenge for 2009: Group Read: War and Peace237 lukematonta / 237billiejean, joulukuu 2009
 Fans of Russian authors: War and Peace4 lukematonta / 4erinn, huhtikuu 2009
 Fans of Russian authors: Tolstoy's War and Peace: more on the Volokhonsky/Pevear translation1 lukematon / 1chrisharpe, toukokuu 2008
 Fans of Russian authors: Tolstoy's War and Peace: comments on the Volokhonsky,/Pevear translation by Simon Schama, BBC R31 lukematon / 1chrisharpe, marraskuu 2007

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 452) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
If the philosophic concepts were not the conclusion to Tolstoy’s narrative, I would have given the book three stars as opposed to four; some being extremely outdated, while others extraordinarily beguiling! Beautifully written. ( )
  tayswift1477 | May 15, 2024 |
THE novel.
In it you will find the whole human experience, in its political and social outcomes, in the reflection on life and philosophical quests, in the small worries and joys of everyday life, in the inner feelings and thoughts of human beings.
More than anything else I appreciated Tolstoj 's supernatural insight in the intimate works of characters' minds, their instinctive reactions and the motivation unknown even to themselves. Here the omniscient narrator reaches its best achievement.
Another main feature is Tolstoj's view of History as complex nteraction of huge forces unconsciously represented by the masses of humble human beings, compared to which "great men" are nothing more than puppets, delusional fools pushed by bigger forces to prow of the ship of History, and so erroneously convinced that they are dividing the waters in front of them while the ship drags them with her (metaphor by Tolstoj himself, as I mis-remember it after some weeks). Tolstoj invokes Providence as the Great Puppeteer, but his attention is caught by the powerful force of the masses of apparently insignificant human beings who suffer and die in the name of menaingless ideals and strategies, and who, in the end, are the ones who make History happen.
Dialectical materialism is down this road, but here we are reading a novel, something which is more than the sum of the theorical positions of its writer. It reminded me of the most poetic pages on spirituality and justice in Marx's and Engels' writings except that here someone is telling us a story, and from the perspective of a conservative Russian nobleman of the 19th century, of course.
IL romanzo.
Dentro c'è tutta l'esperienza umana, nei suoi aspetti collettivi, nella riflessione esistenziale e filosofica, nelle minuzie della vita quotidiana, nell'interiorità. Sopra ogni cosa ho amato la mostruosa capacità introspettiva nel descrivere onestamente e spassionatamente i processi mentali dei personaggi più diversi, nelle situazioni più disparate, senza preconcetti e moralismi, e la visione della Storia come complessa interazione di forze, masse, necessità schiaccianti di fronte alle quali i "grandi uomini" risultano ridimensionati alle loro attuali proporzioni: fantocci trascinati dallo svolgersi degli eventi alla prua della nave della Storia, che credono di determinare per questo il separarsi delle onde di fronte alla chiglia (metafora dell'autore, come me la ricordo dopo un mese). Tolstoj invoca la Provvidenza come burattinaio ultimo, ma il suo interesse è catturato dalla forza trascinante della grande massa indistinta di esseri umani senza potere individuale che soffrono, muoiono, subiscono in nome di ideali e strategie senza senso, ma che alla fine sono i soli in grado di far accadere la Storia.
Il materialismo dialettico è dietro l'angolo, ma la forma è il romanzo, e questo fa di Guerra e Pace qualcosa di più della somma dei ragionamenti che ho appena parzialmente e goffamente riassunto. Ricorda le pagine migliori di Marx e Hegel quando parlano di spiritualità e di giustizia, con invenzione narrativa integrata nell'analisi e la prospettiva storica di un nobile russo conservatore.
Un'esperienza che consiglio a tutti. ( )
  Elanna76 | May 2, 2024 |
Marvellous ( )
  denmoir | Apr 27, 2024 |
I took on the challenge of reading War and Peace in a positive frame of mind. I consider myself reasonably well read and willing to tackle books that aren't immediately easy, and I'd read many enthusiastic reviews and I was looking forward to finally tackling this classic. I've failed. I had difficulty getting to grips with the vast cast of characters, though I did eventually master these, and indeed became interested in the various family sagas which form such an important part of the narrative. I tried to interest myself in the War aspects of the book, and failed dismally. And as for the philosophical digressions, which increased towards the end of the book, and most particularly in the epilogue: I ended up skim-reading these. I kept on thinking that an editor with a very big red pencil should have been let loose on the book. I'm sure the loss is mine, but it's a book about which I'm now pleased to be able to say 'I've finished it!' ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
A marvelous Book that repays whatever time one devoteds to it. I have read this translation, and lived in it for several weeks, and felt bad when it ended. The attempt to portray an entire culture, and, be fully aware of it has never been bettered. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Apr 7, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 452) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
The title Tolstoy finally settled on was taken from the political theorist Pierre-Joseph Proudhorn's book La Guerre et L Paix (1861) a title which means what it says and no more. But when Tolstoy completed and published the final version of his novel Voyna i mir in 1869, the word mir carried a number of connotations and meanings, including a slightly obsolete one referring to society, mankind. In this case the word could mean, roughly speaking, humanity. Tolstoy's novel is concerned not merely with war and the cessation of war, it is about human beings, for whom war is a vast muddle, which is the curse of society. It is about the triumph of the human spirit in time of war; and the side that wins the war is the side that displays the stronger spirit. Natasha's dance and Andrey's sudden understanding of what matters are triumphant leaps of the human spirit; each results in an inner joy, a peace.
lisäsi Cynfelyn | muokkaaSlightly Foxed, Christopher Rush (Feb 1, 2023)
The novel is not just a masterclass in fiction, Ms Li believes, but a remedy for distress. At the most difficult times in her life, she says, she has turned to it again and again, reassured by its “solidity” in the face of uncertainty.
lisäsi tim.taylor | muokkaaThe Economist (Apr 25, 2020)
I had it on my desk for about a year, and now I've given up and put it back on the shelf.
lisäsi Sylak | muokkaaStylist [Issue 338], Paula Hawkins (Oct 12, 2016)
Tolstoy’s singular genius is to be able to take the torrent of conscious experience and master it. There are countless moments in the book where this happens ...

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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"Well, Prince, Genoa and Lucca are now no more than private estates of the Bonaparte family."
'Well, Prince, Genoa and Lucca are now nothing more than estates taken over by the Buonaparte family.' (Anthony Briggs)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
War is not a polite recreation but the vilest thing in life, and we ought to understand that and not play at war.
Since time began and men started killing each other, no man has ever committed such a crime against one of his fellows without comforting himself with the same idea. This idea is 'the public good', a supposed benefit for other people.
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(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This is the complete work "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. Do not combine with single volumes of the work, or with abridgments of the work.
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Sota Ja Rauha I & IIBy Leo Tolstoi

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