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The Force Unleashed II (Star Wars) (Star…

The Force Unleashed II (Star Wars) (Star Wars - Legends) (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: Sean Williams (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
313584,339 (3.42)4
Seemingly returned from the dead, the assassin Starkiller, who has been purged of his memories, reunites with beautiful Imperial fighter pilot Juno Eclipse to fight back against Darth Vader and avoid permanent enslavement to the dark side of the Force.
Teoksen nimi:The Force Unleashed II (Star Wars) (Star Wars - Legends)
Kirjailijat:Sean Williams (Tekijä)
Info:Del Rey (2011), Edition: Illustrated, 368 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Force Unleashed II (tekijä: Sean Williams)


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näyttää 5/5
I would have given this book three stars, since I was liking it all the way through to the end. Then I got to the end, and well, it left me pretty flat. Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice is back through the "miracle" of cloning. He escapes and sets off to find Juno Eclipse. I am not saying anything else to avoid spoilers. The pace and action of the story are ok; it is a fairly light read, but as I said, the ending just seemed to fall short for me. Either the author and publisher are planning some kind of sequel, or they just did not know how to wrap things up. This is one to borrow from your local library as it is not terribly memorable. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
A blase sequel. Starkiller is either resurrected or successfully cloned [even though it is stated, and shown in other novels, that Jedi clones never turn out ok.] Thankfully there was enough stuff happening that the stupid characters didn't get in the way. Ends with Starkiller and his lady friend running off. It doesn't make sense, so powerful a force user unsensed by the Emperor and not completely hunted down by Vader. The story was weak, Starkiller is an extremely 2d character and while there are cameos of future greats, they come across as the sops to fans that their appearance really is. Books like this are what will destroy the Star Wars line. ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Two is the decent sequel to The Force Unleashed. Like the first, it's based on the video game with the same title. Starkiller returns to again challenge Darth Vader. But what plagues him throughout the book is the question: Am I me or am I only a clone, just a copy? After the events on the Death Star in the first book, Starkiller isn't sure that he didn't just die. What he does know, however, is that he is still in love with Juno Eclipse, who was his pilot in the original story. This book has a good amount of action and adventure, but it feels a little strained. In my opinion it doesn't flow quite as smoothly as the first. Like all EU novels it ties in with the movies and everything fits together nicely. There is an awesome finale in the last few chapters that makes this book worth reading. Many of the classic Star Wars characters are woven throughout the tale along with Starkiller, Juno, Kota and the other, more recently introduced key players, which gives it a familiar feel. If your after an action filled adventure without quite so much of a complex plot, this book should be right for you. ( )
  Revan97 | Sep 3, 2014 |
The first thing to note is that this book is a sequel. It's kind of obvious from the name, but it would have helped to have read the previous story, or to have properly played the game the previous novel was based on prior to reading this. While it did make sense knowing only the skeleton plot of the last book, I feel that mch of the feelings we had for the characters would have been very much amplified by the previous story, as it is then that we learn most about them (As it is, I've only read summaries of the previous story).

Disregarding the story for a moment, the writing itself is fantastic. The narrative flow is smooth for the most part, and when it does jump, it's deliberate and suspense building.

There are a few sections that I thought didn't fit in with the rest of the Star Wars universe, understandable in what must be one of the biggest fictional universes, but sometimes awkward. The biggest one in this book is the ending, which would drastically change the story of the original Trilogy. Although this simply suggests a sequel to bring the story inline with the rest of the super-series. But other than that, although I remember thinking "That seems wrong" at the time, they were small enough for me to not remember what it was that was wrong.

One line that did seem out of place, was "It's a trap", said by Ackbar, a line that he is famous for saying in the original star wars movies. I feel that it was weird to have him say it here as well. It's a clear reference, and a funny one, but it doesn't fit well with the serious situation of the time. Another character saying it would have been better.

Conclusion: While the writing is practically flawless, the storyline is quite dependent on the previous story, and although it does manage to give the general impression of "The Force Unleashed I", I would recommend reading that first. The odd occasion exists which seems out of place, but these are few and generally unmemorable. Any Star Wars fan, or any sci-fi fan not averse to extended universe fiction should give this book a go. It's a great, well-written story, with some memorable scenes, and impressive characters. ( )
  AdamBourke | Dec 14, 2010 |
Bad on two levels. More distressing to me is the ruination it brings to the Star Wars universe. Starkiller does things with the force that, to my knowledge, no one else has ever done. And he does them all the time. As if it were nothing. "Oh no. Something would kill me. I survived by throwing up a force shield." Someone comes back to life. Because of the power of love. The ending leaves an opening for another sequel, and there needs to be, because the path it was on would contradict cannon (the first movie) logically.
The writing is also rather poor. So many sensationalist statements ("Nothing will stop me." "We would never be separated again." "No amount of stormtroopers would come between her and I.") had me laughing out loud at the absurdity of what I was reading. ( )
  brainchild138 | Nov 20, 2010 |
näyttää 5/5
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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For Robin Potanin, fellow lover of champagne and good sci-fi
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Juno Eclipse stood with her hands behind her back and stared down at Cato Neimoidia.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This is the novel by Sean Williams. Do not combine with the comic book by Haden Blackman or the video game by LucasArts.
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Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Seemingly returned from the dead, the assassin Starkiller, who has been purged of his memories, reunites with beautiful Imperial fighter pilot Juno Eclipse to fight back against Darth Vader and avoid permanent enslavement to the dark side of the Force.

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Keskiarvo: (3.42)
1 2
2 5
2.5 2
3 6
3.5 2
4 16
4.5 2
5 3

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