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Pathfinder Module J5: Beyond the Vault of Souls

Tekijä: Colin McComb

Sarjat: Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder (PZO 9519)

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18-1,199,966 (3)-
A wizard is capturing souls and binding them to magical gems to keep thespirits of the dead from departing to their just rewards, and the church ofPharasma, goddess of death, has had enough of his meddling with the afterlife.When a magical security feature in the wizard's tower sends the gems spinningoff to several different planes, the church calls on the PCs to track them down.From the vault of the gods in the planar nexus of Axis, to the fields of Elysiumwhere righteous heroes battle endlessly even in death, and on past to the gatesof Hell itself, the PCs must race through portal after portal to recover thelost souls before sinister outsiders can beat them to the prize. This Journey series planar adventure is designed for 9th-levelcharacters and is compatible with the 3.5 fantasy roleplaying rules. Author Colin McComb (Planescape) leads a fascinating tour through theundiscovered outer planes of the Pathfinder world.… (lisätietoja)

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Pathfinder (PZO 9519)

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A wizard is capturing souls and binding them to magical gems to keep thespirits of the dead from departing to their just rewards, and the church ofPharasma, goddess of death, has had enough of his meddling with the afterlife.When a magical security feature in the wizard's tower sends the gems spinningoff to several different planes, the church calls on the PCs to track them down.From the vault of the gods in the planar nexus of Axis, to the fields of Elysiumwhere righteous heroes battle endlessly even in death, and on past to the gatesof Hell itself, the PCs must race through portal after portal to recover thelost souls before sinister outsiders can beat them to the prize. This Journey series planar adventure is designed for 9th-levelcharacters and is compatible with the 3.5 fantasy roleplaying rules. Author Colin McComb (Planescape) leads a fascinating tour through theundiscovered outer planes of the Pathfinder world.

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