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Never Slow Dance with a Zombie Tekijä: E.…

Never Slow Dance with a Zombie (vuoden 2009 painos)

Tekijä: E. Van Lowe

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
16813164,215 (3.02)6
When most of their high school classmates turn into flesh-eating zombies, Margot and best friend Sybil see an opportunity to finally become popular and find boyfriends--if they can just stay alive.
Teoksen nimi:Never Slow Dance with a Zombie
Kirjailijat:E. Van Lowe
Info:Tor Teen (2009), Paperback, 256 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:young adult, paranormal, second string


Never Slow Dance with a Zombie (tekijä: E. Van Lowe)


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» Katso myös 6 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Cute premise but the main character is so selfish and driven to be popular at all costs that it started to get annoying. ( )
  Sarah220 | Jan 23, 2021 |
  CarmenFerreiro | Mar 28, 2016 |
I was so excited when I found this Zombie book! There were so many things I loved when I first saw it. The cover had the perfectly creepy, yet still appealing zombie boy on the cover wearing vintage prom clothes. The title spoke very clearly to the humorous tone of the book. And the blurb itself was very appealing. Normally I'm a guts and gore type of Zombie girl, but this just seemed like the kind of Shaun of the Dead style story that I couldn't resist.

The opening was good, and it was easy to see why an agent or editor would keep reading. The main character, Margot and her best friend, Sybil, are quickly established and fleshed out ;-) The girls have an honestly refreshing friendship that feels real, well, for a while at least.

The action starts fairly quickly, although some of it was pretty predictable. The predictability continued as the story progressed and for me the character of Margot just seemed to flop after a bit. I couldn't wrap my head around her reasoning behind some of her actions. This is what truly kept me from being absorbed into the story. I could take some of the unexplained acceptance the girls have of the zombies, and even the obvious plot turning points, but Margot becomes completely obsessed with the idea of popularity to the point of nearly getting herself and her best friend killed. And even then she doesn't learn her lesson. It's only when she learns that the popular bitch is as one dimensional as herself that she realizes what she's doing is crazy. That's when the pace of the book really picks up and Lowe wraps up the story in a few more pages.

Overall, it was a fun read, but not enough blood and gore for me (NONE!), and even the knowledge that it's a humorous approach to zombies, it was just too unbelievable light. ( )
  AngelaFristoe | Aug 1, 2012 |
A silly story about what high school is really like. Cliques and outcasts be darned! This was a fun story to read, but has a strong message about what friendship really is. ( )
  kissedbyink | Apr 8, 2012 |
A good review for this book is that, it is a good book for teenagers who are in high school. It explains a lot about how you want to pursue yourself in high school. The two main characters, Margot and Sybil, both want to be the popular girls in school. On 8th grade graduation night, Margot maid a manifesto for high school. She dreamed of being popular, going to parties, having the most popular boyfriend, basically anything a teenager would dream of in high school. But in her second year of High School she has not accomplished anything on her manifesto yet. When basically the whole school goes through a big change, will Margot and Sybil finally get to accomplish everything on there manifesto while dealing with flesh eating zombies?
This book teaches us a good lesson about how we change throughout our teenage years and how we need our friends to be there for us when we do go through these changes. We need people there to help to make sure that wanting something so bad, is sometimes not worth it. Popularity isn't everything and being yourself is all you need to be popular in your own very special way. ( )
  Mrs.WilliamsClass | Jan 11, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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When most of their high school classmates turn into flesh-eating zombies, Margot and best friend Sybil see an opportunity to finally become popular and find boyfriends--if they can just stay alive.

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Keskiarvo: (3.02)
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2 5
2.5 2
3 4
3.5 1
4 4
5 3

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