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The MathML Handbook

Tekijä: Pavi Sandhu

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A powerful XML-based markup language for publishing mathematics on the Web, MathML makes it possible to develop Web-based applications for displaying, searching, indexing, archiving, and evaluating mathematical content. With the growing availability of tools to support this new standard (including its display by Internet Explorer and Netscape), MathML has the potential to transform the processing and communication of mathematical information. The MathML Handbook is the definitive resource for this exciting new Web technology. The book begins with an overview of MathML and its practical applications. It then moves on to a clear exposition of the basic concepts of MathML including XML syntax, presentation markup, content markup, and combined markup. Additional chapters deal with advanced topics such as using CSS and XSLT style sheets to control the display of MathML, tools for converting TeX equations to MathML, and using JavaScript with MathML to create dynamic math web sites featuring interactive equations. The book will be useful to anyone interested in working with mathematics on the Web, such as scientists, engineers, Web developers, publishers, teachers and students.… (lisätietoja)

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A powerful XML-based markup language for publishing mathematics on the Web, MathML makes it possible to develop Web-based applications for displaying, searching, indexing, archiving, and evaluating mathematical content. With the growing availability of tools to support this new standard (including its display by Internet Explorer and Netscape), MathML has the potential to transform the processing and communication of mathematical information. The MathML Handbook is the definitive resource for this exciting new Web technology. The book begins with an overview of MathML and its practical applications. It then moves on to a clear exposition of the basic concepts of MathML including XML syntax, presentation markup, content markup, and combined markup. Additional chapters deal with advanced topics such as using CSS and XSLT style sheets to control the display of MathML, tools for converting TeX equations to MathML, and using JavaScript with MathML to create dynamic math web sites featuring interactive equations. The book will be useful to anyone interested in working with mathematics on the Web, such as scientists, engineers, Web developers, publishers, teachers and students.

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