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Serenity Six-Shooters & Spaceships (Serenity Role Playing Game)

Tekijä: Lynn Blackson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
31-776,666 (2.67)-
They say a ship will bring you work and a gun will help you keep it. Problem is, with all manner of ships sailing the black and more weapons and gear than you can shake a rain-stick at, if you don't know what you're doing you could end up flyin' off in some rust-bucket powered by a Capissen 38 engine, all the while carrying a pistol as like to explode in your hand as shoot straight. But don't fret ... we're here to help. Six-Shooters Spaceships is an expansion to the Serenity Role Playing Game. You'll find everything you need to get your crew armed, equipped, and flyin' in style. In addition to 26 new ships and pregenerated crews, you'll find mules, robots, guns of all makes and models, and stuff to help you blow things up. Heck, you might even come across some Fruity Oaty Bars!… (lisätietoja)

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They say a ship will bring you work and a gun will help you keep it. Problem is, with all manner of ships sailing the black and more weapons and gear than you can shake a rain-stick at, if you don't know what you're doing you could end up flyin' off in some rust-bucket powered by a Capissen 38 engine, all the while carrying a pistol as like to explode in your hand as shoot straight. But don't fret ... we're here to help. Six-Shooters Spaceships is an expansion to the Serenity Role Playing Game. You'll find everything you need to get your crew armed, equipped, and flyin' in style. In addition to 26 new ships and pregenerated crews, you'll find mules, robots, guns of all makes and models, and stuff to help you blow things up. Heck, you might even come across some Fruity Oaty Bars!

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