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Regina in the Sun (Children of the Goddess)…

Regina in the Sun (Children of the Goddess) (vuoden 2008 painos)

Tekijä: R.G. Alexander

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1275217,334 (3.39)1
There's only one place left to run-into forbidden arms. Children of the Goddess Book 1 When she arrives at Ye Olde Haven Pub, the sanctuary for Trueblood Vampires, Regina is wounded and desperate. Her only thought is to save the Deva Clan, her family, from the dangerous Loups De L'Ombre, the Shadow Wolves. She knows she will not exactly be welcomed with open arms. She is, after all, an Unborn, the lowest caste of Vampire. As a natural born from the purest line, Zander Sariel knows the rules are sacrosanct-a Trueblood mates with his own kind. But one taste of the young Unborn is all Zander needs to know that rules were made to be broken. With enemies at every turn, Zander risks everything to save Regina from the monster that hunts her, his own kind's ignorance and-if he must-her lack of faith in her own unique abilities. Only together do they have a chance to defeat the shadow that haunts their future, and save their entire race from extinction. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, voyeurism of an m/m/f menage...a plethora of vampire nookie."… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Regina in the Sun (Children of the Goddess)
Kirjailijat:R.G. Alexander
Info:Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (2008), Kindle Edition, 200 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):***
Avainsanoja:nook, romantic-suspense, paranormal


Regina in the Sun (tekijä: R. G. Alexander)


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näyttää 5/5
"3.5 out of 5 stars. Like most of her books, this is another keeper. Written with the matriarchal aspects that P. C. Cast's House of Night series includes, just in this series those aspects have had their back turned on by most of the characters (except the main ones), makes it that much more intriguing."

Read more of this review here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2010/04/let-it-slide-let-your-troubles...

My Throwback Thursday Book Reviews -- Secondary Book Promo for this novel: https://youtu.be/S115ANqnNIM ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Sep 14, 2017 |
Another free Kindle download. Also a vampire romance novel. I'm noticing a theme in what Amazon is recommending for me, as well as what I'm quite possibly tired of reading.

This book was pretty graphic, much more than your average romance novel, and that's not personally my thing, but if you like your romantic interludes a little more detailed, then maybe this would be a good fit.

Two vampires fall in love, there are gypsies, prophecies, old goddesses, werewolves, and politics. A decent read, and one that if it were to continue I might be inclined to see where the story goes. ( )
  whisperingfen | Aug 23, 2010 |
There is one hot scene where Regina watches her brother-in-law with his boyfriend and a fangbanger, the rest of the book reads like a Cliff Notes version with a lists of names and affiliations and a few bits of action. The only character I found mildly interesting was Lux but not enough to buy the next book.

I think this is the only Samhain book I've read that's been disappointing. ( )
  glitrbug | May 8, 2010 |
This is my first book by R.G. Alexander and I enjoyed the book more as it came along. While I enjoy not having all the details laid out for me, I felt that important points about the situation between True Bloods and Unborns could have been explained a bit more along the way. It was hard to understand the dynamic between Zander and Regina without more of the background. I assume more of these details will come out in later books, but I usually expect the first book in a series to provide the back story. I expect another prequel is needed to fulfill that role otherwise more than necessary will be needed in future books.

I will pick up the next book in the series on my Kindle because I was drawn to more than one of the other characters and the potential steamy connections. Zander's role as mediator and the difficulty of his role were believable and I loved the dynamic of his family interactions.

My main gripe is that the name Regina for the heroine was not..hmmm...a very sexy name for such a vixen. I am just saying, I mean, Regina is similar to Edith to me. You have to be sexy to combat a name like that! She is a gypsy! Okay, okay, this is my own personal aversion to the name. Hopefully, R.G. does not stand for Regina and I have just offended the author! I really like your book, R.G.! ( )
  LoriTori | Feb 2, 2010 |
"Regina in the Sun" is the opening book of another very interesting erotic paranormal series by R.G. Alexander. With all the werewolves, vampires, demons, etc flooding the shelves today, I was pleased that Alexander's brand of paranormal critters had enough differences to make them stand out from the rest. I've already ordered book two and will be curious to see where the plot goes.

Regina is an Unborn vampire, the offspring of a natural vampire and a human, which makes her the lowest caste of vampire. Yet when her clan of outcast Unborns is threatened by a Shadow Wolf, she heads for the Trueblood vamp who befriended her mother and pleads sanctuary. Surely the news of the reappearance of the Truebloods ancient enemy, a Shadow Wolf, will grant her an audience?

Zander is a Trueblood, and not just any Trueblood either. He's from their purest and most powerful line. That's why he's their Mediator, keeping peace amongst all the Trueblood clans. From the moment he first sees Regina, she draws him to her and he quickly figures out that she's his bloodbound mate and that's something held in awe and honor by all vampires. Yet it seems one of the Truebloods is working WITH their ancient enemy and now Zander will have to fight tradition and an unknown traitor to keep Regina alive and convince HER to stay with him.

Very hot, very well plotted and executed. There's enough differences in R.G. Alexander's new series to keep it fresh in my mind. The book ends with closure and yet there's also teasers regarding characters for (I hope) the next book. I never know whether to be excited or groan when I find yet another new series to read (like I don't have enough already), but now I MUST read the next to find out for sure if I'm hooked. ( )
2 ääni jjmachshev | Aug 23, 2009 |
näyttää 5/5
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There's only one place left to run-into forbidden arms. Children of the Goddess Book 1 When she arrives at Ye Olde Haven Pub, the sanctuary for Trueblood Vampires, Regina is wounded and desperate. Her only thought is to save the Deva Clan, her family, from the dangerous Loups De L'Ombre, the Shadow Wolves. She knows she will not exactly be welcomed with open arms. She is, after all, an Unborn, the lowest caste of Vampire. As a natural born from the purest line, Zander Sariel knows the rules are sacrosanct-a Trueblood mates with his own kind. But one taste of the young Unborn is all Zander needs to know that rules were made to be broken. With enemies at every turn, Zander risks everything to save Regina from the monster that hunts her, his own kind's ignorance and-if he must-her lack of faith in her own unique abilities. Only together do they have a chance to defeat the shadow that haunts their future, and save their entire race from extinction. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, voyeurism of an m/m/f menage...a plethora of vampire nookie."

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5 4

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