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Daisy (Seven Brides) Tekijä: Leigh…

Daisy (Seven Brides) (vuoden 1995 painos)

Tekijä: Leigh Greenwood

Sarjat: Seven Brides (book 5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
94-286,418 (3.79)1
Fiction. Romance. Western. While Tyler Randolph is prospecting for gold in New Mexico to get the money to build the hotel of his dreams he finds a woman wounded and left to die in a blizzard. He can't take her into Albuquerque because he doesn't know who's trying to kill her, so he takes her to his cabin. When the killers come after her, he makes it his job to protect her. Tyler is a loner not used to have a woman around. He's very self-conscious about his tall, lanky body and the fact that he isn't handsome like his brothers.Daisy Singleton has no idea who killed her father and tried to kill her, or why. Awakening with a head wound in a strange man's cabin, she doesn't know whether to be afraid or angry. Being stranded in a mountain cabin with a silent, kind, bossy, bear of a man is frustrating. She just wants to go to Albuquerque and stay with her friends, but Tyler won't let her leave because he still doesn't know who's trying to kill her. When Daisy tells Tyler she's engaged to be married, he hustles her down the mountain.Although Daisy stays with Hen and Laurel and Tyler returns to this mine, their story isn't finished. There remains a killer to unmask, Daisy's independence to establish, and the need to learn the truth about their feelings toward each other.Reviews ..."Once again Leigh Greenwood adds a stunning new chapter to the Randolph family epic with the colorful and action-packed DAISY. Tyler is one of the most adorable yet naive heros to grace the pages of a romance novel, making him a man that every woman will want for her own."- Harriet Klausner, Affaire de Coeur"Leigh Greenwood has created characters in the Seven Brides series who are as close to you as your own family. Daisy is a tender, touching love story. The characters reach out and touch you. This tale of two misfits who find love is sure to warm your heart. Fans of the series, as well as new readers, will find this a "not-to-be-missed keeper."- Jill Brager, Romantic Times.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Daisy (Seven Brides)
Kirjailijat:Leigh Greenwood
Info:Leisure Books (Mm) (1995), Paperback, 10 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Daisy (Seven Brides) (tekijä: Leigh Greenwood)


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Seven Brides (book 5)
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Fiction. Romance. Western. While Tyler Randolph is prospecting for gold in New Mexico to get the money to build the hotel of his dreams he finds a woman wounded and left to die in a blizzard. He can't take her into Albuquerque because he doesn't know who's trying to kill her, so he takes her to his cabin. When the killers come after her, he makes it his job to protect her. Tyler is a loner not used to have a woman around. He's very self-conscious about his tall, lanky body and the fact that he isn't handsome like his brothers.Daisy Singleton has no idea who killed her father and tried to kill her, or why. Awakening with a head wound in a strange man's cabin, she doesn't know whether to be afraid or angry. Being stranded in a mountain cabin with a silent, kind, bossy, bear of a man is frustrating. She just wants to go to Albuquerque and stay with her friends, but Tyler won't let her leave because he still doesn't know who's trying to kill her. When Daisy tells Tyler she's engaged to be married, he hustles her down the mountain.Although Daisy stays with Hen and Laurel and Tyler returns to this mine, their story isn't finished. There remains a killer to unmask, Daisy's independence to establish, and the need to learn the truth about their feelings toward each other.Reviews ..."Once again Leigh Greenwood adds a stunning new chapter to the Randolph family epic with the colorful and action-packed DAISY. Tyler is one of the most adorable yet naive heros to grace the pages of a romance novel, making him a man that every woman will want for her own."- Harriet Klausner, Affaire de Coeur"Leigh Greenwood has created characters in the Seven Brides series who are as close to you as your own family. Daisy is a tender, touching love story. The characters reach out and touch you. This tale of two misfits who find love is sure to warm your heart. Fans of the series, as well as new readers, will find this a "not-to-be-missed keeper."- Jill Brager, Romantic Times.

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