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A Plump and Perky Turkey Tekijä: Teresa…

A Plump and Perky Turkey (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: Teresa Bateman (Tekijä)

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968721,860 (3.71)2
The townspeople of Squawk Valley try to trick a turkey into being their Thanksgiving dinner, but are frustrated when the turkey tricks them instead.
Teoksen nimi:A Plump and Perky Turkey
Kirjailijat:Teresa Bateman (Tekijä)
Info:Two Lions (2013), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


A Plump and Perky Turkey (tekijä: Teresa Bateman)


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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
a hilarious book about a town that doesn't have a turkey for thanksgiving. instead of trying to find one, they put out posters for a "model turkey". with the turkey in town, the people try and trick him into becoming the thanksgiving dinner but the turkey is smarter than that. see who really wins in this hilarious rhyming book
1 book
1 cassette
  TUCC | Aug 2, 2017 |
18 months - creative and fun story. ( )
  maddiemoof | Oct 20, 2015 |
This is a fun story about a turkey trying to escape the towns people so that he does not become Thanksgiving dinner. After escaping to the beach to meet up with other runaway turkeys, the town is left eating shredded wheat for dinner. It is a funny book and entertaining for children. Great spin on Thanksgiving history/culture.

I would use this book for K-2 grade. ( )
  breksarah | Apr 24, 2014 |
The story is about a town that needs a turkey for Thanksgiving. In recent years the turkeys have all gotten clever and disappear around Thanksgiving so they don't get eaten. The people of the town decide to trick a turkey into coming into their town by putting up signs saying they need a turkey to model for the turkey statue competition in town. A clever turkey decides he will collect the prize and outsmart the townspeople. On Thanksgiving when the Turkey is judging the competition he disappears into a sea of turkey statues and escapes to the beach where the other turkeys are waiting. The townspeople are stuck eating shredded wheat for dinner. The story is delightfully humorous. The illustrations do a great job of adding additional humor. The turkeys are shown flying away in hot air balloons, and partying on the beach playing beach volleyball and sunbathing at the end of the book. I found myself rooting for the plump and perky turkey to outsmart everyone.
This book would be great for reading to children before Thanksgiving, and since the entire book is rhyming it would also be a good book to teach or review rhyming. Students could make their own rhyming Thanksgiving books after reading 'A Plump and Perky Turkey'. ( )
  rfary1 | Nov 11, 2012 |
This is a good book to read to a second or third grade class around Thanksgiving time. It is a cute fiction book about Pete the turkey that keeps readers wanting to hear the rest of the story.
http://ravenstonepress.com/bateman.html ( )
  kperk12 | Jan 24, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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The townspeople of Squawk Valley try to trick a turkey into being their Thanksgiving dinner, but are frustrated when the turkey tricks them instead.

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