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Linked: How Everything Is Connected to…

Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means (vuoden 2003 painos)

Tekijä: Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,884258,984 (3.85)18
We've long suspected that we live in a small world, where everything is connected to everything else. Indeed, networks are pervasive--from the human brain to the Internet to the economy to our group of friends. These linkages, it turns out, aren't random. All networks, to the great surprise of scientists, have an underlying order and follow simple laws. Understanding the structure and behavior of these networks will help us do some amazing things, from designing the optimal organization of a firm to stopping a disease outbreak before it spreads catastrophically. In Linked, Barabási, a physicist whose work has revolutionized the study of networks, traces the development of this rapidly unfolding science and introduces us to the scientists carrying out this pioneering work. These "new cartographers" are mapping networks in a wide range of scientific disciplines, proving that social networks, corporations, and cells are more similar than they are different, and providing important new insights into the interconnected world around us. This knowledge, says Barabási, can shed light on the robustness of the Internet, the spread of fads and viruses, even the future of democracy.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means
Kirjailijat:Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
Info:Plume (2003), Paperback, 304 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):**1/2


Linkit : verkostojen uusi teoria (tekijä: Albert-László Barabási)


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Internet of things. Ismerjük egy ideje a technikai megoldást, lehetőséget, amikor a mikró "szól" a hűtőnek, hogy jelezze nekünk, romlott a hús, fel kéne tölteni a készletet. A lámpa lekapcsol, ha elmegyünk, de közben jelt ad az autónknak, hogy indítsa be a motort.

Ezek a hálózatok, összefüggő rendszerek az otthonunkon kívül már sokkal természetesebbek és elterjedtebbek, és sokszor úgy szövik át a mindennapjainkat, hogy szinte nem is tudunk róluk. Pedig érdemes megvizsgálni ezeket a mechanizmusokat közelebbről is a könyv szerzője szerint, mert az eredmények segítségünkre lehetnek vírusok leküzdése, a gazdasági válságok kezelése, a terrorizmus visszaszorítása vagy akár az emberi társadalom gondjainak megoldása terén.
  Gabriyella | Jan 16, 2022 |
Nice introductory book on Network Science.

As a student of mathematical modeling, I found this book thought-provoking and interesting. Not a stranger to networks, I would say this book still managed to have some effect on me. It would be enough for me to credit this book with re-sparking my interest in the topics of network analysis and mathematical models.

A bit on the long-winded side at times, however. But this might be because it is not my first time with networks.

3.5-4/5 ( )
  nonames | Jan 14, 2022 |
The subtitle is a pretty good summary of the premise of this book. It explores the theoretical underpinnings of things being linked (referencing, for example, the Königsberg Bridge problem) and then explores how things are linked in nature as opposed to in social structures; the major distinction is that in nature, the number of “links” held by a given thing tends to be bell-curve distributed, whereas in socially-designed phenomena, it’s more of a y = 1/x sort of “the limit does not exist” on the tail end, allowing for “hubs.” This applies not only to social structure, but genetics, airline routes, the internet, and the Kevin Bacon game.

The finding is that if you have a dense network, picking a network node at random and eliminating it will not bring down the network… even if you do so for something like 80% of the network. But removing just 15-20% of the network hubs will cause the whole thing to come crashing down. ( )
  jarlalex | Nov 25, 2020 |
I read this book several years ago, when I was closing up my University studies. It opened my mind to new research opportunities that I have then undertaken for my ph.d.
The book gives a very nice introduction to the world of complex network, covering the random models and moving on to what the authors have discovered and named scale-free organization.
The mathematics are far from being heavy and down-to-the-ground examples are always reported to help the reader connecting to her daily life.
A very nice book! ( )
  ferrarini_luca | Dec 6, 2016 |
Més enllà de les omnipresents xarxes socials, la teoria de xarxes ens parla de com s'organitzen les xarxes i com totes (les elèctriques, les de relacions, etc) tenen patrons semblants. El llibre té aspectes realmente apassionants i de gran importància en el nostre dia a dia.

Aquesta lectura introdueix els no iniciats a la teoria de xarxes, no tant des d'un punt de vista purament matemàtic (que també), com sobretot conceptual. Deixarà satisfets tant els interessants en el punt de vista més analític com els que vulguin un anàlisi més antropològic. Potser ho fa perquè no entre molt en detall en cap de les dues vessants, però com a lectura indtroductòria és més que recomanable. ( )
  arnautc | Sep 13, 2012 |
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We've long suspected that we live in a small world, where everything is connected to everything else. Indeed, networks are pervasive--from the human brain to the Internet to the economy to our group of friends. These linkages, it turns out, aren't random. All networks, to the great surprise of scientists, have an underlying order and follow simple laws. Understanding the structure and behavior of these networks will help us do some amazing things, from designing the optimal organization of a firm to stopping a disease outbreak before it spreads catastrophically. In Linked, Barabási, a physicist whose work has revolutionized the study of networks, traces the development of this rapidly unfolding science and introduces us to the scientists carrying out this pioneering work. These "new cartographers" are mapping networks in a wide range of scientific disciplines, proving that social networks, corporations, and cells are more similar than they are different, and providing important new insights into the interconnected world around us. This knowledge, says Barabási, can shed light on the robustness of the Internet, the spread of fads and viruses, even the future of democracy.

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