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Tractors and Farm Vehicles (Mighty Machines)…

Tractors and Farm Vehicles (Mighty Machines) (vuoden 2010 painos)

Tekijä: Jean Coppendale

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1233224,079 (2)-
Introduces the vehicles and equipment, including tractors, plows, and harvesters, that farmers use to plant and harvest crops.
Teoksen nimi:Tractors and Farm Vehicles (Mighty Machines)
Kirjailijat:Jean Coppendale
Info:Firefly Books (2010), Paperback, 24 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Tractors and Farm Vehicles (tekijä: Jean Coppendale)


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näyttää 3/3
This book is very informative on many different types of farm equipment. It tells about the different equipment and what they can be used for. This book also has a fun font and it bold types important words. In the back of the book it has a glossary and also an activity page that introduces fun activities that children can do to learn about farming and the equipment farmers use.

i love this book because we have a farm! I'm so glad that there is children's lit to introduce to children and help them see how the world is fed!

I would have my students write a story about a runaway tractor. Who will be in the story? What happens at the end? Draw a picture to go with the story.

i would ask my students if they would like to be farmers. Would it be fun? Would it be hard work? Then i would have them draw a picture of themselves working hard as farmers.
  Ashleyreece | Apr 11, 2011 |
This book tells about all of the things a tractor can accomplish. The book takes you on a journey, from the beginning to the end, of planting and harvesting a crop, with a tractor. It also tells that tractors can be used for fun, like tractor pulls.

The cover of this book intrigued me. It was colorful and well formatted. I enjoyed seeing the different things a tractor does and how it helps a farmer.

I would use this book when talking about farming. I would get a large container of dirt, and put different toy tractors in it. Then the students would “plow” the field for planting. Next I would give them seeds to plant and over the next few weeks let the students watch their crop grow.
  renaireads | Oct 30, 2010 |
This book teachers about farm equipment and has excellent pictures of the different equipment. This book also tells what happens to the crops from planting the seeds to harvest time and everything in between. This book also has information about recreational uses for tractors such as tractor pulls.

This book had a lot of valuable information and pictures for me because no one in my family is involved in farming and I have no knowledge of what it takes to get the crops from seeds to my table. I do not think this would be a good book to read aloud for the smaller children but the pictures are excellent.

In the classroom, this book could be used as an extension for farming and talking about the life cycle of crops. The effects of the weather on the crops and what that means to the consumers. Also, the actual equipment that is used and if anyone has a parent that is in farming maybe they could bring the equipment for the children to actually see how big the tractors actually are.
  aprilbrittain | Oct 21, 2009 |
näyttää 3/3
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Introduces the vehicles and equipment, including tractors, plows, and harvesters, that farmers use to plant and harvest crops.

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