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Photoshop 6 Cookbook

Tekijä: Kate Binder

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1-7,780,979 (4)-
Master the art of manipulating images with your computer using the latest version of the Adobe Photoshop program. Using a "learn-by-seeing-and-doing," this unique manual can dramatically shorten the time it takes to become an expert in Photoshop 6. Unlike other instructional guides, this reference utilizes the same image throughout--a photo of an eye--to illustrate what each feature and tool does and how it is used, making it easy to compare and understand the effects. Concise, step-by-step "recipes" and screenshots enable you to sit down at your computer and create the desired image. With this approach, there's no tedious trial and error or hours of wading through complex text. A must-have volume for graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, and serious amateurs, this common-sense "how to" manual is also an inspiring design source book and an excellent tool to use when explaining a technique to a client.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatembarczynski

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Master the art of manipulating images with your computer using the latest version of the Adobe Photoshop program. Using a "learn-by-seeing-and-doing," this unique manual can dramatically shorten the time it takes to become an expert in Photoshop 6. Unlike other instructional guides, this reference utilizes the same image throughout--a photo of an eye--to illustrate what each feature and tool does and how it is used, making it easy to compare and understand the effects. Concise, step-by-step "recipes" and screenshots enable you to sit down at your computer and create the desired image. With this approach, there's no tedious trial and error or hours of wading through complex text. A must-have volume for graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, and serious amateurs, this common-sense "how to" manual is also an inspiring design source book and an excellent tool to use when explaining a technique to a client.

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