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The Race for the Triple Crown: Horses, High Stakes and Eternal Hope (2001)

Tekijä: Joe Drape

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
59-445,651 (3.44)-
"In crisp, elegant prose, Drape captures his subjects and their sport as they wind through a wildly eventful season of racing." --Laura Hillenbrand, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Seabiscuit   Rich in detail and crackling with wit, The Race for the Triple Crown is a personal narrative that captures the affecting stories of the Thoroughbred racing world. From ostentatious owners, to radiant unrivaled horses, to young trainers trying to make a name for themselves, everyone has a gripping story, and all are in search of the sport's Holy Grail. How they get to and through the enormously famous races is a tale of action, high-stakes finance, and impossible odds. Told in the compelling voice of the award-winning New York Times sportswriter Joe Drape, The Race for the Triple Crown is a vivid portrait of a year in the life of the oldest, most majestic sport in the world.   "If you ever wondered how it is that horse racing grabs people and then never lets them go, you'll find out when you read this book. I loved it!" --Jane Smiley, New York Times-bestselling author of Horse Heaven   "A first-rate and absorbing account by one who knows his material--a wonderful book that leads the field from starting gate to finish line. A delight for both aficionado and novice." --George Plimpton   "[Drape] opens up a magical, mysterious world--and he does it with equal parts humor, affection and wisdom." --Bill Minutaglio, The Dallas Morning News… (lisätietoja)

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"In crisp, elegant prose, Drape captures his subjects and their sport as they wind through a wildly eventful season of racing." --Laura Hillenbrand, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Seabiscuit   Rich in detail and crackling with wit, The Race for the Triple Crown is a personal narrative that captures the affecting stories of the Thoroughbred racing world. From ostentatious owners, to radiant unrivaled horses, to young trainers trying to make a name for themselves, everyone has a gripping story, and all are in search of the sport's Holy Grail. How they get to and through the enormously famous races is a tale of action, high-stakes finance, and impossible odds. Told in the compelling voice of the award-winning New York Times sportswriter Joe Drape, The Race for the Triple Crown is a vivid portrait of a year in the life of the oldest, most majestic sport in the world.   "If you ever wondered how it is that horse racing grabs people and then never lets them go, you'll find out when you read this book. I loved it!" --Jane Smiley, New York Times-bestselling author of Horse Heaven   "A first-rate and absorbing account by one who knows his material--a wonderful book that leads the field from starting gate to finish line. A delight for both aficionado and novice." --George Plimpton   "[Drape] opens up a magical, mysterious world--and he does it with equal parts humor, affection and wisdom." --Bill Minutaglio, The Dallas Morning News

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