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Land Transfer and Finance (Casebook)

Tekijä: Curtis J. Berger

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In the thoroughly updated fourth edition of this classic casebook, noted authors Berger and Johnstone retain their successful, clearly organized approach to real estate transactions, while addressing important recent issues such as lender liability, risks to lenders from environmental cleanup, and new land finance mechanisms. Ideally suited For The basic Real Estate Transactions course, Land Transfer and Finanace: Cases and Materials gives your students a solid foundation in the institutions of the real estate market and shows them how real estate practice draws upon the legal doctrine of contracts, finance, and tax. Berger and Johnstone give your students topical coverage with sufficient breadth and depth to prepare them for practice. The new edition offers: expanded coverage of land finance, including the changing rules of thrift institutions and commercial banks, The savings and loan crisis, and new modes of construction financing incisive discussion of lender liability issues, including new risks to lenders from environmental clean-up obligations current tax considerations resulting from the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and updated regulations on like-kind exchanges new sections in the chapter on Co-ops, Condos, and Home Associations covering the rule-making powers of home associations and enforcement of association liens; expanded material on time-sharing new material on complex land finance concerning sale-and-leasebacks and choice of entity for real estate investment Throughout the casebook, The authors provide abundant notes and problems. Useful appendices contain examples of common forms used in real estate transactions.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMrStrand, ajateffen23, JerryMonaco, NebrGuy

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In the thoroughly updated fourth edition of this classic casebook, noted authors Berger and Johnstone retain their successful, clearly organized approach to real estate transactions, while addressing important recent issues such as lender liability, risks to lenders from environmental cleanup, and new land finance mechanisms. Ideally suited For The basic Real Estate Transactions course, Land Transfer and Finanace: Cases and Materials gives your students a solid foundation in the institutions of the real estate market and shows them how real estate practice draws upon the legal doctrine of contracts, finance, and tax. Berger and Johnstone give your students topical coverage with sufficient breadth and depth to prepare them for practice. The new edition offers: expanded coverage of land finance, including the changing rules of thrift institutions and commercial banks, The savings and loan crisis, and new modes of construction financing incisive discussion of lender liability issues, including new risks to lenders from environmental clean-up obligations current tax considerations resulting from the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and updated regulations on like-kind exchanges new sections in the chapter on Co-ops, Condos, and Home Associations covering the rule-making powers of home associations and enforcement of association liens; expanded material on time-sharing new material on complex land finance concerning sale-and-leasebacks and choice of entity for real estate investment Throughout the casebook, The authors provide abundant notes and problems. Useful appendices contain examples of common forms used in real estate transactions.

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