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Eleven That Went Up to Heaven

Tekijä: Anthea Fraser

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
19-1,152,151 (3.83)-
When Richard Vine, wealthy businessman and proprietor of Beckworth Grange, organises a publicity event with twenty guests who all share his name, he little imagines that a few hours later nine of them would be dead. A fatal road accident leaves DCI David Webb with a bewildering array of 'Richard Vines' to be traced, accounted for and investigated. The other victim was the minibus driver, John Bainbridge, a man apparently admired, respected and loved by all. Webb and Sergeant Jackson find it hard to believe he could be that saintly and start to dig for the truth behind the image. Meanwhile, an amateur Writing School opens at Beckworth Grange with its army of would-be sleuths and eccentrics all doing their best to help -- or hinder -- police inquiries. But for 'their' Richard Vine, the unwelcome news is that this was no accident, that his name may well be the key, and that he might still be the target for murder...… (lisätietoja)

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


When Richard Vine, wealthy businessman and proprietor of Beckworth Grange, organises a publicity event with twenty guests who all share his name, he little imagines that a few hours later nine of them would be dead. A fatal road accident leaves DCI David Webb with a bewildering array of 'Richard Vines' to be traced, accounted for and investigated. The other victim was the minibus driver, John Bainbridge, a man apparently admired, respected and loved by all. Webb and Sergeant Jackson find it hard to believe he could be that saintly and start to dig for the truth behind the image. Meanwhile, an amateur Writing School opens at Beckworth Grange with its army of would-be sleuths and eccentrics all doing their best to help -- or hinder -- police inquiries. But for 'their' Richard Vine, the unwelcome news is that this was no accident, that his name may well be the key, and that he might still be the target for murder...

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Keskiarvo: (3.83)
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