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On the Pilgrim Way: To Trondheim

Tekijä: Stein Thue

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The Pilgrim Way Project was launched in 1994 when the Ministry of the Environment instructed the Directorate for Nature Management and The Directorate of Cultural Heritage to reconstruct the walk along the old roads to Nidaros (the former name of Trondheim). The work to reopen the old roads has been carried out in close co-operation with the 29 municipalities through which the Pilgrim Way winds. A steady stream of pilgrims flocked to Saint Olav's shrine in Nidaros Cathedral, from around 1050 until 1537, the time of the Reformation. Now, almost 500 years after the introduction of Protestantism saw the end of the pilgrimages, people are again encouraged to wander in the tracks of the pilgrims. The intention of this text is to stimulate interest in an important part of Norwegian history, to encourage outdoor activities and to let people share cultural experiences.… (lisätietoja)

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The Pilgrim Way Project was launched in 1994 when the Ministry of the Environment instructed the Directorate for Nature Management and The Directorate of Cultural Heritage to reconstruct the walk along the old roads to Nidaros (the former name of Trondheim). The work to reopen the old roads has been carried out in close co-operation with the 29 municipalities through which the Pilgrim Way winds. A steady stream of pilgrims flocked to Saint Olav's shrine in Nidaros Cathedral, from around 1050 until 1537, the time of the Reformation. Now, almost 500 years after the introduction of Protestantism saw the end of the pilgrimages, people are again encouraged to wander in the tracks of the pilgrims. The intention of this text is to stimulate interest in an important part of Norwegian history, to encourage outdoor activities and to let people share cultural experiences.

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