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One-Eyed Dream: A Novel (Titus Bass)…

One-Eyed Dream: A Novel (Titus Bass) (vuoden 1994 painos)

Tekijä: Terry C. Johnston (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Carry the Wind (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
82-330,215 (3.64)1
One-Eyed Dream is the final volume in Terry C. Johnston's exciting trilogy of the rugged trappers and mountain men, Indian fighters, and hardy pioneers who battled for the future of this land--and won. High in the Rockies lay the Bayou Salade, a lush beaver-rich valley so untouched that the few white men who had seen it called it paradise.  But for Scratch Bass, his young partner Josiah Paddock, and the two Indian women they loved, this paradise would open up a hell of violence.  Pursued by a vengeful Arapaho raiding party, Scratch will lead his small band through a flurry of arrows all the way to Taos itself. Yet the trail of blood will not end there.  For in St. Louis an old enemy waits, and the time is ripe for Scratch to settle a ten-year score.  Through the desert known as the Journey of Death to the rough-and-tumble town of St. Louis, Scratch and Josiah will defy the wilderness to bury the past--and a blackhearted killer--once and for all.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:One-Eyed Dream: A Novel (Titus Bass)
Kirjailijat:Terry C. Johnston (Tekijä)
Info:Bantam (1994), 592 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


One-Eyed Dream (tekijä: Terry C. Johnston)


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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


One-Eyed Dream is the final volume in Terry C. Johnston's exciting trilogy of the rugged trappers and mountain men, Indian fighters, and hardy pioneers who battled for the future of this land--and won. High in the Rockies lay the Bayou Salade, a lush beaver-rich valley so untouched that the few white men who had seen it called it paradise.  But for Scratch Bass, his young partner Josiah Paddock, and the two Indian women they loved, this paradise would open up a hell of violence.  Pursued by a vengeful Arapaho raiding party, Scratch will lead his small band through a flurry of arrows all the way to Taos itself. Yet the trail of blood will not end there.  For in St. Louis an old enemy waits, and the time is ripe for Scratch to settle a ten-year score.  Through the desert known as the Journey of Death to the rough-and-tumble town of St. Louis, Scratch and Josiah will defy the wilderness to bury the past--and a blackhearted killer--once and for all.

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