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Whose body? : a Lord Peter Wimsey novel…

Whose body? : a Lord Peter Wimsey novel (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 1923; vuoden 1993 painos)

Tekijä: Dorothy L. Sayers

Sarjat: Lordi Peter Wimsey (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
4,9621952,245 (3.65)501
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:In the debut mystery in Dorothy L. Sayers's acclaimed Lord Peter Wimsey series, the case of a dead bather draws Lord Peter into the 1st of many puzzling mysteries
Lord Peter Wimsey spends his days tracking down rare books, and his nights hunting killers. Though the Great War has left his nerves frayed with shellshock, Wimsey continues to be London's greatest sleuthâ??and he's about to encounter his oddest case yet.

A strange corpse has appeared in a suburban architect's bathroom, stark naked save for an incongruous pince-nez. When Wimsey arrives on the scene, he is confronted with a once-in-a-lifetime puzzle. The police suspect that the bathtub's owner is the murderer, but Wimsey's investigation quickly reveals that the case is much stranger than anyone could have predicted.

Published in 1923, during detective fiction's Golden Age, Whose Body? introduced a character and a series that would make Dorothy L. Sayers famous. To this day, Lord Peter remains 1 of the genre's most beloved and brilliant characters.

Whose Body? is the 1st book in the Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, but you may enjoy the series by reading the books in any order.

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dorothy L. Sayers including rare images from the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton Colle
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Whose body? : a Lord Peter Wimsey novel
Kirjailijat:Dorothy L. Sayers
Info:New York : HarperPerennial, 1993.
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Kuka ja mistä? (tekijä: Dorothy L. Sayers) (1923)

  1. 30
    Verraton Jeeves (tekijä: P. G. Wodehouse) (casvelyn)
    casvelyn: Lord Peter Wimsey and Bertie Wooster are rather similar characters, and they both have loyal and competent valets. Peter, of course, solves mysteries, while Bertie is more of a comic figure.
  2. 10
    Thank You, Jeeves (tekijä: P. G. Wodehouse) (themulhern)
    themulhern: Lord Peter is pretty obviously inspired by Bertie, as Bunter by Jeeves. This just seems impossible to deny.
  3. 00
    A Test of Wills (tekijä: Charles Todd) (majkia)
    majkia: similar focus on shellshock.
  4. 00
    Long Before Forty (tekijä: C. S. Forester) (themulhern)
    themulhern: The med school student Lord Peter interviewed could just as well have been C. S. Forester himself (before he dropped out of med school and became a novelist).
  5. 01
    Roger Ackroydin murha (tekijä: Agatha Christie) (cbl_tn)

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Whose Body? - Sayers
Audio performance by Robert Bathurst
4 stars
I read all of Sayer’s mysteries during the 1980’s, long before I began listening to Books on Tape. I’m a true audiobook addict now. I like to reread old favorites with my ears if I can find a good recording. I’ve been disappointed with most of the available audio performances of the Lord Peter Wimsey series. I know Robert Bathurst from his reading of the Inspector Gamache series. I was pleased to see his recent recordings of some early Wimsey books.

It was a good performance. This is the first book of the series, originally published in 1923. As a classic mystery, this book is a standout. Peter Wimsey is a fun character with a cadre of wonderful supporting characters. The plot is twisty and the crime is gruesome without being overly graphic. I have problems with this book, but I remain a Lord Peter fan.

I’m glad that I listened to this book, but I don’t think I’ll reread it again. Sayer’s is probably criticized for this book more than any other. The victim of the horrible crime is a Jew. The text is full of racial stereotypes. Precisely the kind of stereotypes that would have been common in 1923. I think I’ve read a defense of Sayer’s opinions stating that she was not actively anti semitic. (She does have one of her most likable male characters actively courting the victim’s daughter.) I really couldn’t say what I think of the author’s beliefs. I just know that, despite the historical setting of this book, I wasn’t able to ignore casual commentary that is no longer acceptable. ( )
  msjudy | May 27, 2024 |
It took me a bit to get into the writing style because I was expecting something similar in tone to Agatha Christie, and the beginning read more like P.G. Wodehouse. The characters gained more depth half-way through the book. Overall, I liked Sayers' detective novel more than what I've read of Christie's, which is an unexpected delight. ( )
  caaleros | May 17, 2024 |
It feels a little unpolished, with serrated edges here and there without the Agatha Christie flair, but I suppose that's to be expected with a debut. It is still a shrewdly conceived plot nevertheless, though the conclusion might easily be surmised early (*potential spoiler) on if you pay close attention to what Sayer's has to leave out about the body's appearance (due to censorship), which indefinitely connects the two cases. I had a rough time getting used to Sayer's attempts at Wodehousian dialogue and her brusque descriptions, and I could not help wincing every time the Peter/Bunter duo fell short of the inimitable Jeeves and Wooster. All in all, an average feat by Miss Sayers. ( )
  TheBooksofWrath | Apr 18, 2024 |
I really didn't care for the book. Lord Peter is an aristocrat who dabbles in mysteries in order to pass the time. The story lost my interest after the first chapter. There was too much superficial "witty" dialogue and not enough character development. ( )
  Chrissylou62 | Apr 11, 2024 |
A dead body shows up in a person’s bathtub, it just so happens that that person has connections including to a second son of a duke that has time on his hands and has taken up sleuthing as a hobby. Whose Body? is the first book of Dorothy L. Sayers’ Lord Peter Wimsy series in which the titular character investigates the mysterious body and later a mysterious disappearance as well.

This was a very engaging mystery from the start especially since Sayers close to the beginning either provides information that someone is either a massive red herring or the obvious culprit, but the astute reader to realizes this feels the need keep going to find out which. The main character, Lord Peter Wimsy, is overall a good protagonist to follow and has some very well characterized supporting characters in his butler Bunter and police detective Charles Parker that help to spread the narrative. While there are some characteristics of Lord Peter that I personally is his speech patterns of the stereotypical snotty Englishman especially when talking with other snotty noblemen of his same age, however I like that Sayers in making him a veteran of the Great War—as it was then known—that suffered recurrent bouts of shell shock—a.k.a. PTSD—which over a century later connects this fictional character to our world today. Frankly, the mystery was good, the main character was good, and Sayers writing was good not only making me enjoy this book but also to look out for more Lord Peter books.

Whose Body? is an interesting mystery with a good main character and engaging writing by Dorothy L. Sayers that got me hooked into seeing what future adventures Lord Peter Wimsy has. ( )
  mattries37315 | Mar 20, 2024 |
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä (21 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Sayers, Dorothy L.ensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Bayer, OttoKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Berg, DanielKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Bleck, CathieKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Case, DavidKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
George, ElizabethJohdantomuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Griffini, Grazia MariaKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Kendall, RoeKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
May, NadiaKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Rikman, KristiinaKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Werner, EdwardKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
To M. J. Dear Jim: This book is your fault. If it had not been for your brutal insistence, Lord Peter would never have staggered through to the end of the enquiry. Pray consider that he thanks you with his accustomed suavity. Yours ever, D. L. S.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
'Oh damn!' said Lord Peter Wimsey at Piccadilly Circus.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"Look here, Peter," said the other [Parker] with some earnestness, "Suppose you get this playing-fields-of-Eton complex out of your system once and for all. There doesn't seem to be much doubt that something unpleasant has happened to Sir Reuben Levy. Call it murder, to strengthen the argument. If Sir Reuben has been murdered, is it a game? and is it fair to treat it as a game?"
"That is what I'm ashamed of, really," said Lord Peter. "It IS a game to me, to begin with, and I go on cheerfully, and then I suddenly see that somebody is going to be hurt, and I want to get out of it." (Chapter VII, Leipzig: The Albatross 1938, p. 176)
"There's nothing you can't prove if your outlook is sufficiently limited."
"But when you can really investigate, Mr. Parker, and break up the dead, or for preference the living body with the scalpel, you always find the footmarks---the little train of ruin or disorder left by madness or disease or drink or any other similar pest. But the difficulty is to trace them back, merely by observing the surface symptoms---the hysteria, crime, religion, fear, shyness, conscience, or whatever it may be; just as you observe a theft or a murder and look for the footsteps of the criminal, so I observe a fit of hysterics or an outburst of piety and hunt for the little mechanical irritation which has produced it."
"All these men work with a bias in their minds, one way or another," he said; "they find what they are looking for."
"Yes, yes, I know," said the detective, "but that's because you're thinking about your attitude. You want to be consistent, you want to look pretty, you want to swagger debonairly through a comedy of puppets or else to stalk magnificently through a tragedy of human sorrows and things. But that's childish. If you've any duty to society in the way of finding out the truth about murders, you must do it in any attitude that comes handy. You want to be elegant and detached? That's all right, if you find the truth out that way, but it hasn't any value in itself, you know. You want to look dignified and consistent---what's that got to do with it? You want to hunt down a murderer for the sport of the thing and then shake hands with him and say, 'Well played---hard luck---you shall have your revenge tomorrow!' Well, you can't do it like that. Life's not a football match. You want to be a sportsman. You can't be a sportsman. You're a responsible person."

"I don't think you ought to read so much theology," said Lord Peter. "It has a brutalizing influence."
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Fiction. Mystery. HTML:In the debut mystery in Dorothy L. Sayers's acclaimed Lord Peter Wimsey series, the case of a dead bather draws Lord Peter into the 1st of many puzzling mysteries
Lord Peter Wimsey spends his days tracking down rare books, and his nights hunting killers. Though the Great War has left his nerves frayed with shellshock, Wimsey continues to be London's greatest sleuthâ??and he's about to encounter his oddest case yet.

A strange corpse has appeared in a suburban architect's bathroom, stark naked save for an incongruous pince-nez. When Wimsey arrives on the scene, he is confronted with a once-in-a-lifetime puzzle. The police suspect that the bathtub's owner is the murderer, but Wimsey's investigation quickly reveals that the case is much stranger than anyone could have predicted.

Published in 1923, during detective fiction's Golden Age, Whose Body? introduced a character and a series that would make Dorothy L. Sayers famous. To this day, Lord Peter remains 1 of the genre's most beloved and brilliant characters.

Whose Body? is the 1st book in the Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, but you may enjoy the series by reading the books in any order.

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dorothy L. Sayers including rare images from the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton Colle

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