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Progressive Sight Singing

Tekijä: Dr. Carol Krueger

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Designed for the complete undergraduate course sequence in aural skills, Progressive Sight Singing, Second Edition, introduces students to the underlying grammar and syntax of musical structure and prepares them to perceive that structure with both the ear and the eye. Working from the premisethat students learn musical skills in much the same order as they do language skills, this book trains the ear first - through hearing and imitating patterns - teaching students to hear and perform before they read and write. Part I presents rhythmic exercises only, and Part II presents melodicexercises; the two sections are designed to be used concurrently at an adaptable pace. The popular in-text CD from the first edition has been expanded into an in-text DVD that includes more of the rhythm and tonal patterns introduced in the book, as well as over 100 graphs depicting the vocal pitchexercises.For the Second Edition, Part II (Melodic Reading) has been expanded and rebalanced to reinforce more advanced concepts, making this text ideal for the entire four-semester course sequence in aural skills. This edition integrates a rich variety of well-paced, graduated exercises, including newexercises for C clefs, secondary triads, improvisation, and duets, and has been thoroughly redesigned for improved readability. A new Companion Website at www.oup.com/us/krueger expands on the pedagogy underlying the book, offers solutions to the exercises, and provides additional exercises andteaching tips.… (lisätietoja)

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Designed for the complete undergraduate course sequence in aural skills, Progressive Sight Singing, Second Edition, introduces students to the underlying grammar and syntax of musical structure and prepares them to perceive that structure with both the ear and the eye. Working from the premisethat students learn musical skills in much the same order as they do language skills, this book trains the ear first - through hearing and imitating patterns - teaching students to hear and perform before they read and write. Part I presents rhythmic exercises only, and Part II presents melodicexercises; the two sections are designed to be used concurrently at an adaptable pace. The popular in-text CD from the first edition has been expanded into an in-text DVD that includes more of the rhythm and tonal patterns introduced in the book, as well as over 100 graphs depicting the vocal pitchexercises.For the Second Edition, Part II (Melodic Reading) has been expanded and rebalanced to reinforce more advanced concepts, making this text ideal for the entire four-semester course sequence in aural skills. This edition integrates a rich variety of well-paced, graduated exercises, including newexercises for C clefs, secondary triads, improvisation, and duets, and has been thoroughly redesigned for improved readability. A new Companion Website at www.oup.com/us/krueger expands on the pedagogy underlying the book, offers solutions to the exercises, and provides additional exercises andteaching tips.

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