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29-822,773 (3.7)-
"So this isn't the end, is it?" asked Oliver. "No, Oliver," said Mark. "This isn't the end. It's only the beginning." -Masked Destiny "Marshall," I said out loud to the darkness. "Oh my God, Marshall, what have you done?" -Altered Realities Marshall only wanted to help his friends, to undo the pain of the past, but a few moments of thoughtless action changed everything. Altered Realities is the tale of a changed world. All bets are off. Nothing is as it was and what is to be is transformed too. Mark, Taylor, Ethan, Nathan, Brendan, Casper and nearly the entire cast of the Gay Youth Chronicles come together in a tapestry of tales as they all try to deal with the consequences of Marshall's actions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the latest novel published by Mark A. Roeder. To date he has written and published Ancient Prejudice Break To New Mutiny, The Soccer Field Is Empty, Someone Is Watching, A Better Place, The Summer of My Discontent, Someone Is Killing The Gay Boys of Verona, Keeper of Secrets, Do You Know That I Love You, This Time Around, Masked Destiny, Phantom World, Outfield Menace, and The Vampire's Heart. Information on Mark's upcoming books can be found at markroeder.com and he can be reached directly at markaroeder@yahoo.com. Those wishing to keep in touch with others who enjoy Mark's novels can join his fan club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/markaroederfans.… (lisätietoja)

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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
Teoksen kanoninen nimi
Alkuteoksen nimi
Teoksen muut nimet
Alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tärkeät paikat
Tärkeät tapahtumat
Kirjaan liittyvät elokuvat
Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This book is dedicated to all those who fight against prejudice and hatred, no matter what form it may take.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"It would take a lifetime to look through all these books," said Marshall, pulling another one from the shelf and holding it under the hanging lamp for a better view.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kirjan kehujat
Alkuteoksen kieli
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"So this isn't the end, is it?" asked Oliver. "No, Oliver," said Mark. "This isn't the end. It's only the beginning." -Masked Destiny "Marshall," I said out loud to the darkness. "Oh my God, Marshall, what have you done?" -Altered Realities Marshall only wanted to help his friends, to undo the pain of the past, but a few moments of thoughtless action changed everything. Altered Realities is the tale of a changed world. All bets are off. Nothing is as it was and what is to be is transformed too. Mark, Taylor, Ethan, Nathan, Brendan, Casper and nearly the entire cast of the Gay Youth Chronicles come together in a tapestry of tales as they all try to deal with the consequences of Marshall's actions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the latest novel published by Mark A. Roeder. To date he has written and published Ancient Prejudice Break To New Mutiny, The Soccer Field Is Empty, Someone Is Watching, A Better Place, The Summer of My Discontent, Someone Is Killing The Gay Boys of Verona, Keeper of Secrets, Do You Know That I Love You, This Time Around, Masked Destiny, Phantom World, Outfield Menace, and The Vampire's Heart. Information on Mark's upcoming books can be found at markroeder.com and he can be reached directly at markaroeder@yahoo.com. Those wishing to keep in touch with others who enjoy Mark's novels can join his fan club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/markaroederfans.

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