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Helena Rubinstein: The Australian Years

Tekijä: Angus Trumble

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Helena Rubinstein (1872-1965) is best known for creating the world's first global cosmetics empire. At its height, her name was synonymous with glamour, with salons in Paris, London and New York, and beauty products sold at cosmetics counters around the world. Much less well known are the years Rubinstein spent in Australia before she was famous. Recently arrived from Poland, aged twenty-three and speaking little English, she worked as a governess and waitress before opening her first salon in Melbourne in 1902. In this captivating and wryly entertaining portrait, Angus Trumble retraces Rubinstein's forgotten Australian years. Later, Rubinstein worked hard to suppress key details of her early life, but they reveal the origins of her extraordinary rise. In the laneways of Melbourne and the dusty streets of Coleraine, we see her laying the foundations of a global empire. This is the fascinating story of an enigmatic woman, the myth she carefully curated, and the past she preferred to leave behind.… (lisätietoja)
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Helena Rubinstein (1872-1965) is best known for creating the world's first global cosmetics empire. At its height, her name was synonymous with glamour, with salons in Paris, London and New York, and beauty products sold at cosmetics counters around the world. Much less well known are the years Rubinstein spent in Australia before she was famous. Recently arrived from Poland, aged twenty-three and speaking little English, she worked as a governess and waitress before opening her first salon in Melbourne in 1902. In this captivating and wryly entertaining portrait, Angus Trumble retraces Rubinstein's forgotten Australian years. Later, Rubinstein worked hard to suppress key details of her early life, but they reveal the origins of her extraordinary rise. In the laneways of Melbourne and the dusty streets of Coleraine, we see her laying the foundations of a global empire. This is the fascinating story of an enigmatic woman, the myth she carefully curated, and the past she preferred to leave behind.

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