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Easter Ideals 2023

Tekijä: Melinda Lee Rathjen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Celebrate all things Easter and springtime with this softcover book of seasonal photography and artwork as well as inspiring poetry, prose, recipes, and Bible excerpts.  Along with longer, warmer days, and new life all around, spring brings a new edition of Easter Ideals to celebrate the season of new beginnings. This inspiring softcover collection evokes the beauty of the emerging season, the comforting traditions of Easter, and the undercurrent of hope that flows through everything during this special time of year. After a long, dreary winter, beloved authors and poets such as A. A. Milne, Gladys Taber, Peter Marshall, and Eileen Spinelli reflect upon the special moments of the season and spiritual significance. Beautiful photographs and artwork bring color and life to each page. Easter Ideals will appeal to all who wish to embrace the traditions, beauty, and joy of this special time of year.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatDanNSteph

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Celebrate all things Easter and springtime with this softcover book of seasonal photography and artwork as well as inspiring poetry, prose, recipes, and Bible excerpts.  Along with longer, warmer days, and new life all around, spring brings a new edition of Easter Ideals to celebrate the season of new beginnings. This inspiring softcover collection evokes the beauty of the emerging season, the comforting traditions of Easter, and the undercurrent of hope that flows through everything during this special time of year. After a long, dreary winter, beloved authors and poets such as A. A. Milne, Gladys Taber, Peter Marshall, and Eileen Spinelli reflect upon the special moments of the season and spiritual significance. Beautiful photographs and artwork bring color and life to each page. Easter Ideals will appeal to all who wish to embrace the traditions, beauty, and joy of this special time of year.

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