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Robert Gober Lexicon, A

Tekijä: Brenda Richardson, Matthew Marks Gallery

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This publication catalogues and explores the latest sculptural installation by Robert Gober, one of contemporary art's most highly regarded figures and one of our best storytellers. Unlike anything that has been seen before, this new work explores questions of sexuality, religion, relationships, nature, and memory, all informed by the current political climate. Loosely following the floor plan of a church, the installation brings together many of Gober's known sculptural motifs and introduces new ones as he continues into uncharted artistic territory. The first of the two volumes includes a comprehensive essay by Brenda Richardson written over the course of the two years of the installation's development. Richardson spent hours in the studio in conversation with Gober, and her Lexicon provides an unprecedented glimpse at the working process and multiple layers of meaning in Gober's complex work. The lavishly illustrated second volume reproduces 50 full-color photographs of the completed work.… (lisätietoja)

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Brenda Richardsonensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Matthew Marks Gallerypäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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This publication catalogues and explores the latest sculptural installation by Robert Gober, one of contemporary art's most highly regarded figures and one of our best storytellers. Unlike anything that has been seen before, this new work explores questions of sexuality, religion, relationships, nature, and memory, all informed by the current political climate. Loosely following the floor plan of a church, the installation brings together many of Gober's known sculptural motifs and introduces new ones as he continues into uncharted artistic territory. The first of the two volumes includes a comprehensive essay by Brenda Richardson written over the course of the two years of the installation's development. Richardson spent hours in the studio in conversation with Gober, and her Lexicon provides an unprecedented glimpse at the working process and multiple layers of meaning in Gober's complex work. The lavishly illustrated second volume reproduces 50 full-color photographs of the completed work.

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