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The Teacher: A Psychological Thriller…

The Teacher: A Psychological Thriller (vuoden 2024 painos)

Tekijä: Freida McFadden (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
4621354,280 (3.87)2
"Something isn't right at Caseham High School. Last year, the school was rocked by scandal: a teacher was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student. Now, Addie is a pariah and will do anything to get through the year. More than that, she's desperate to keep the truth from coming to light. Evie, a colleague of the disgraced teacher, is horrified to find Addie in her class. She knows the girl can't be trusted and soon realizes she's being watched - which is dangerous, considering she's hiding something from her husband. But each has secrets about what happened last year. And someone in this school will do anything to keep them silent"--… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Teacher: A Psychological Thriller
Kirjailijat:Freida McFadden (Tekijä)
Info:Hollywood Upstairs Press (2024), 402 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Teacher (tekijä: Freida McFadden)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Representation: N/A
Trigger warnings: Death and murder of a partner by asphyxiation, near-death experience, physical assault and injury, blood depiction, adult-minor relationship, cheating, vivisepulture, strangulation, abuse
Score: Five out of ten.
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That was a heavy one. I only saw The Teacher by Freida McFadden a few days ago on a library display shelf, so I picked it up and glanced at the intriguing blurb, making it appear like a thriller. I headed in with lowered expectations after seeing the low ratings, and when I closed the final page, it was okay.

It starts with a prologue with someone digging a grave, then it cuts to two characters, Eve, the partner of Nate, a teacher, and Addie, a student at Caseham High School. Everything looks typical until Addie, a minor, has a relationship with a teacher, hence the title, making it an uncomfortable read. I could've given it a DNF there, but I read on to see where it was going, but I should've done that when I had the chance. The plot drives The Teacher forward, with the characters not developing or having depth in any way, and as I read through more of the storyline, I couldn't like any of the characters, since they made questionable decisions in one way or another. There aren't any protagonists, more like morally grey characters.

The Teacher is almost 400 pages long, so its pacing is slow in the first 200 pages as nothing much happens other than Eve and Addie recounting their daily lives then it quickly picks up steam toward the last 200, with the action intensifying. Particularly, the concluding 100 pages are the most engaging as I thought Addie killed Eve and buried her under a shallow layer of dirt, but it turns out Eve was alive all along, and now vows to retaliate against Nate instead of moving on like any typical person would. The conclusion is satisfying, at least for Eve, as she throws Nate into her grave and buries him, but I couldn't shake off the overall tone of bleakness and brutality. I wonder what happened to Addie, though, did she move on from that? I'm unsure. Now that is an unanswered question.
( )
  Law_Books600 | May 19, 2024 |
Eve and Nate Bennett work at the local high school. Eve teaches Math, Nate teaches English. English is incredibly handsome and Eve feels that she pales in comparison. She also believes their relationship is cooling.
Addie is a junior in both their classes. Last year, after her father died, another teacher, Mr. Tuttle, consoled her. Although nothing happened, he left school and Addie became an outcast. Her best friend, Hudson, is now friends with the prettiest, and meanest, girl in school, Kenzie. Addie begins to develop a crush on Nate after he praises her poetry. She also starts despising Eve.
What could possibly go wrong?
Pretty great twist in this one! ( )
  rmarcin | May 6, 2024 |
Eve and Nate Bennet seemed to have a great marriage, always together. As teachers, in the same school, they knew the same kids. Seeing Addie struggle affected them differently, but being a part of her life will end in very different ways.

I have read a couple of Freida McFadden stories, this one caught my attention, and I didn't like putting it down. Nice twists, I kept changing my mind about who I wanted to be digging and who was being buried ( )
  onyx95 | May 3, 2024 |
Ok Ms. Freida, let's have a chat because what in the world, where are you coming up with this stuff that it's like crack, LOL. Just when I thought The Housemaid had me hooked, this book, LIKE Oh My Freaking Goodness I am at a lost for words trying to describe this so the next person can hopefully enjoy this as much as I just did.
Now, this is what I call a Thriller/mystery.. you want drama, this book delivered, you want a messed up plot that has you yelling at the book obscene amount of curse words this book delivered!! I started last night and finished soon as I got home from work because I needed to finish it. This book is truly a chef's kiss to Thriller/mystery books every where.
Some things I admit I saw coming but even when I seen it coming it still got me, if that makes sense. This was just so freaking fantastic. If you have not read this but love a good mystery/thriller do not hesitate to read.
This was awesomely well written and I will forever recommend this book. ( )
1 ääni Enid007 | Apr 24, 2024 |
Ugh. I really didn’t like a lot of aspects of this book. Also, I hate the last plot twist with every fiber of my being. ( )
1 ääni libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Something isn't right at Caseham High School. Last year, the school was rocked by scandal: a teacher was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student. Now, Addie is a pariah and will do anything to get through the year. More than that, she's desperate to keep the truth from coming to light. Evie, a colleague of the disgraced teacher, is horrified to find Addie in her class. She knows the girl can't be trusted and soon realizes she's being watched - which is dangerous, considering she's hiding something from her husband. But each has secrets about what happened last year. And someone in this school will do anything to keep them silent"--

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Keskiarvo: (3.87)
0.5 2
1 1
2 5
3 12
3.5 9
4 18
4.5 5
5 24

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