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Every Star That Falls

Tekijä: Michael Thomas Ford

Sarjat: Suicide Notes (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
18-1,202,773 (4.5)-
This much-anticipated sequel to the acclaimed fan-favorite novel Suicide Notes is a funny, touching look at what happens when you give up trying to be someone people want you to be and become exactly who you are. Jeff spent forty-five days in the psych ward of a hospital after a suicide attempt. Now that he's home and has accepted that he's gay, he's ready to reenter his life feeling stronger and more comfortable being his true self than ever before. But it's hard to come back to an old life when you have a new perspective on it. Returning to school is complicated, and his mother's anxiety isn't helping. Jeff will also have to figure out how to reconnect with his best friend, Allie, whose boyfriend he kissed before he went to the hospital. To make things even more complicated, a fellow patient from the ward suddenly appears at school, which brings up all kinds of mixed emotions for Jeff. Luckily, he's got new friends from a local community center for queer youths to help him through it all. And some may turn out to be more than just friends… *** "Generous, wry, and big-hearted. A touching and riotous journey through the legacies of pain and the wonders of connection." -Eliot Schrefer, two-time National Book Award finalist and New York Times bestselling author "Michael Thomas Ford put me through it with this stunning sequel. A touching, funny, and thoughtful exploration of how we move on from our toughest choices and embrace what makes us unique, even if we're imperfect."-Jason June, New York Times bestselling author of Out of the Blue "In Every Star That Falls, Ford examines with heart and compassion not just what it is to be queer, but the ways in which queerness changes relationships and frees us." -LC Rosen, author of Jack of Hearts and Camp "Every Star That Falls is an extraordinarily fun and wild ride that will make you laugh and cry on numerous occasions. There is no way to tell what happens next but each chapter comes with a wonderful surprise that keeps you hooked into the moment. The book brings you a lot of things-complex characters, intricate relationships and a beautiful message for the new generation. It's the kind of story that genuinely reflects the growing complexity of life for young people." -Vincent Tirado, author of the Pura Belpre Award-winning Burn Down, Rise Up.… (lisätietoja)

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This much-anticipated sequel to the acclaimed fan-favorite novel Suicide Notes is a funny, touching look at what happens when you give up trying to be someone people want you to be and become exactly who you are. Jeff spent forty-five days in the psych ward of a hospital after a suicide attempt. Now that he's home and has accepted that he's gay, he's ready to reenter his life feeling stronger and more comfortable being his true self than ever before. But it's hard to come back to an old life when you have a new perspective on it. Returning to school is complicated, and his mother's anxiety isn't helping. Jeff will also have to figure out how to reconnect with his best friend, Allie, whose boyfriend he kissed before he went to the hospital. To make things even more complicated, a fellow patient from the ward suddenly appears at school, which brings up all kinds of mixed emotions for Jeff. Luckily, he's got new friends from a local community center for queer youths to help him through it all. And some may turn out to be more than just friends… *** "Generous, wry, and big-hearted. A touching and riotous journey through the legacies of pain and the wonders of connection." -Eliot Schrefer, two-time National Book Award finalist and New York Times bestselling author "Michael Thomas Ford put me through it with this stunning sequel. A touching, funny, and thoughtful exploration of how we move on from our toughest choices and embrace what makes us unique, even if we're imperfect."-Jason June, New York Times bestselling author of Out of the Blue "In Every Star That Falls, Ford examines with heart and compassion not just what it is to be queer, but the ways in which queerness changes relationships and frees us." -LC Rosen, author of Jack of Hearts and Camp "Every Star That Falls is an extraordinarily fun and wild ride that will make you laugh and cry on numerous occasions. There is no way to tell what happens next but each chapter comes with a wonderful surprise that keeps you hooked into the moment. The book brings you a lot of things-complex characters, intricate relationships and a beautiful message for the new generation. It's the kind of story that genuinely reflects the growing complexity of life for young people." -Vincent Tirado, author of the Pura Belpre Award-winning Burn Down, Rise Up.

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