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Africa South of the Sahara, Third Edition: A Geographical Interpretation (Texts in Regional Geography)

Tekijä: PhD Robert Stock

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
25-925,337 (3)-
This authoritative, widely adopted text provides a broad introduction to the geography of Africa south of the Sahara. The book analyzes the political, economic, social, and environmental processes that shape resource use and development in this large, diverse region. Students gain a context for understanding current development debates and addressing questions about the nature and sustainability of contemporary changes. Timely topics include the rise of foreign investment in Africa, the evolving geographies of rural-urban linkages, the birth of the Republic of South Sudan, and advances in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. New to This Edition: *Fully updated to reflect the latest data and trends in development. *Chapters on development theory, cultural and societal diversity, the political geography of postindependence Africa, economic integration, and the geography of poverty. *Substantially revised coverage of gender dynamics, urban living environments, mineral and energy resources, and many other topics. Pedagogical Features *Vignettes in every chapter that provide detailed case studies from a variety of countries and elaborate on key concepts. *Recommendations for further reading on each topic, including print and online sources. *Companion website with downloadable PowerPoint slides of all original figures, photos, and tables. *An extensive glossary.… (lisätietoja)

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This authoritative, widely adopted text provides a broad introduction to the geography of Africa south of the Sahara. The book analyzes the political, economic, social, and environmental processes that shape resource use and development in this large, diverse region. Students gain a context for understanding current development debates and addressing questions about the nature and sustainability of contemporary changes. Timely topics include the rise of foreign investment in Africa, the evolving geographies of rural-urban linkages, the birth of the Republic of South Sudan, and advances in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. New to This Edition: *Fully updated to reflect the latest data and trends in development. *Chapters on development theory, cultural and societal diversity, the political geography of postindependence Africa, economic integration, and the geography of poverty. *Substantially revised coverage of gender dynamics, urban living environments, mineral and energy resources, and many other topics. Pedagogical Features *Vignettes in every chapter that provide detailed case studies from a variety of countries and elaborate on key concepts. *Recommendations for further reading on each topic, including print and online sources. *Companion website with downloadable PowerPoint slides of all original figures, photos, and tables. *An extensive glossary.

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