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Reckless (Chestnut Springs, 4) Tekijä:…

Reckless (Chestnut Springs, 4) (vuoden 2023 painos)

Tekijä: Elsie Silver (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Chestnut Springs (4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
444556,643 (4.14)1
Theo Silva. Rowdy bull rider. Notorious ladies' man. Scorching hot trouble wrapped up in a drool-worthy package. And he's looking at me like I might be his next meal. But I'm almost free of my toxic marriage and have sworn off men entirely. So all I see when I look back is temptation served up with a heaping side of heartbreak. The man is hard to trust-and even harder to resist. Make that impossible. Because Theo is persistent. And no matter how hard I try to freeze him out, he melts my icy exterior and pulls apart all my defences. Over a drink in a small town bar, I blurt out my deepest, darkest secrets. Then I spend the singular hottest night of my life with him. He worships my body. He makes me blush. I come alive beneath his hands. Then I tell him to forget it ever happened. I want simple, and with him it all feels complicated. It was supposed to be a one-time thing. A secret. But that little plus sign is going to make this secret impossible to keep.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Reckless (Chestnut Springs, 4)
Kirjailijat:Elsie Silver (Tekijä)
Info:Bloom Books (2023), 448 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Reckless (tekijä: Elsie Silver)


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näyttää 3/3
When Dr. Winter Hamilton finally decides to leave her husband, Rob, she goes back to Chestnut Springs where she hopes to make amends for years of problems that she caused for her sister, Summer. What she doesn't expect is to be welcomed, especially by bullrider Theo Silva, close friend to Summer's newly created family. Sassy Winter is a challenge for Theo, who takes full advantage of her newly single status, but things change for everyone when Theo returns to Chestnut Spings 18 months later.

Reckless is a light accidental pregnancy romance. Both protagonists have lots of baggage, but Winter especially seems unable to shed the insecurities that have shaped her life. Theo is a bit of a caricature of the persistently sweet bullrider that balances well with Winter's personality that screams, "Stay away from me because I'm broken." The plot stretches believability, but contains so much well written dialogue and cute moments that it's still very entertaining. Overall, Reckless is another enjoyable entry in the Chestnut Springs series. ( )
  ftbooklover | Mar 9, 2024 |
At this point I enjoy the idyllic ranch this series of books is set on and when the characters from the previous books appear. As they are intertwined as family and friend this happens more than other series.

This is one of my favorites from this series. It is definitely made better by having read the previous three books, especially the first one. Winter doesn't make large appearances in most of the books, but having a sense of how the other characters perceive her is a big part of why this book works. ( )
  littlemuls | Jul 4, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Reckless is the fourth installment in the "Chestnut Springs" series and the most recent release that the author has come out with these books. I have to say though, this book completely took me for a turn. I have struggled a bit with this series, they just haven't quite clicked for me completely, but I went into this one pretty openly with a fresh outlook and wanting to take it for what it is and not for the hype surrounding it. And from the reviews that I have read from those I fully trusted, I knew that this was the best book of the series and I can concur that this is the BEST book that I have read from this author so far. I was so impressed with how this one was handled and absolutely adored how this was implemented. Now if you are nervous about the secret baby aspect, just trust me on this, its the best written secret baby I have EVER read. Elsie Silver really handled it delicately and I admire that.

The Main Protagonists
The Hero: Theo
A profession bull rider, a bit of a ladies man and playful especially with women and prickly ice queens turn him on. He has charm, patience and love for family

The Heroine: Winter
A strong STEM style of heroine, she has had to keep herself hidden from her sister, betrayed by her husband and working on a fresh start. But she doesn't trust easily and is a bit of a lone wolf only relying on herself and struggles trusting others into her heart and life.

Theo and Winter meet in the most unlikely place....a gas station in a small town. There are sparks that fly but when they find themselves at a mutual family gathering, the sexual tension between them only rises and they end up sharing a one night stand after signing consent forms on a coaster in a bar. When Winter finds out that she is pregnant with Theo's baby, she is shocked. After years of struggling to have a baby, Theo of all things knocks her up. With a turn of events, she finds herself a single mother, struggling to raise this baby on her own, and when truths are revealed and Theo learns that he is a father, Theo is dedicated to Winter and their baby girl in a way that Winter has never known. The playboy and the ice queen are the most unlikely match, but discover a deep passionate love through it all...

My Outlook
oh my HEART!! This book just tore me up inside and out. I just couldn't get enough of these two here. And the way in which they come together and seeing their story being told in such a phenomal passionate way just had no choice but strike deep to the soul. Elsie Silver has definitely won me over with this one here, and is hands down the best book she has written! I have no clue how she was able to captivate me in such a way, but she definitely worked her way effortlessly in this one here.

I will admit that I was highly nervous on this one here especially on the main trope of this one which was "Secret Baby". I first want to point out that the author handled this very delicately and you can trust her to handle it correctly. I do think that the way its handled by this couple is just right. There are aspects to the situation that a third party gets involved, but neither Winter or Theo are at fault here. Winter does her duty in this one and makes her effort to reach out to Theo on it. And when Theo finds out the truth, was the most CAPTIVATING moment of the book and I think this moment will stay with me for a very long time. The devastation he feels in how much he has missed with his daughter was so heartbreaking. You really see his heart in this moment and it just tore me up inside, seriously, I was sobbing my heart out when this hero is torn to shreds over it. The way he stands by Winter, wanting to be by her side and help meet in being a parent with her was so touching.

I know also some readers might be nervous for Winter's character because she has been known throughout the series as a "Ice Queen" and I can reassure you, you will love her character. I am so picky over ice queens and most of the time they just don't end up working out for me. But in this one, it totally worked for me. We see all of her vulnerabilities and seeing her true character behind that ice shield very early on in the story which I appreciated. We see her human side and not the persona that she showcases to everyone. I never thought that I could relate to her in this way, but the author wrote her brilliantly with a side of softness and deep pain.

The romance that develops between Theo and Winter is so delectable. I loved seeing these two together, and their connection strikes deep to the heart. I just couldn't seem to get enough of them. I absolutely adored these two and their story resonates on a basic human level. You know that the author will deliver on the steam level of course. But seeing their connection go deeper than just the physical is what really won me over. Seeing them learning each other and letting go of their past reservations and embrace what they have and with their baby girl was so precious. You can definitely trust in Elsie Silver to write such a beautifully portrayed romance with western aesthetics to expound on a heartfelt romance.

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 5
World Building:5
Hero: 5
Heroine: 5
Steam: 5
Heart & Feels:5
Overall View: 5 ( )
  addictofromance | Jun 13, 2023 |
näyttää 3/3
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Theo Silva. Rowdy bull rider. Notorious ladies' man. Scorching hot trouble wrapped up in a drool-worthy package. And he's looking at me like I might be his next meal. But I'm almost free of my toxic marriage and have sworn off men entirely. So all I see when I look back is temptation served up with a heaping side of heartbreak. The man is hard to trust-and even harder to resist. Make that impossible. Because Theo is persistent. And no matter how hard I try to freeze him out, he melts my icy exterior and pulls apart all my defences. Over a drink in a small town bar, I blurt out my deepest, darkest secrets. Then I spend the singular hottest night of my life with him. He worships my body. He makes me blush. I come alive beneath his hands. Then I tell him to forget it ever happened. I want simple, and with him it all feels complicated. It was supposed to be a one-time thing. A secret. But that little plus sign is going to make this secret impossible to keep.

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