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Biennale Architettura 2023: The Laboratory of the Future

Tekijä: Lesley Lokko

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
3-4,146,033 (4)-
The official two-volume catalog documenting the 2023 Biennale's vision of a decolonized and decarbonized future for architectureThe 18th Venice Architecture Biennale, titled The Laboratory of the Future, is conceived as a kind of workshop at which architects present examples from their practices reflecting on themes of decolonization and decarbonization. The biennale also shines a spotlight on Africa and the African Diaspora, with 89 participants, over half of whom are of African descent. Volume I of its catalog is dedicated to the International Exhibition, curated by Ghanaian Scottish architect Lesley Lokko. Projects by each participant are accompanied by a critical text and biographical notes and a rich plate section. Volume II presents the National Participations and the Collateral Events, with illustrated texts that delve into the projects presented in the Pavilions and the Collateral Exhibitions on display in the Giardini, the Arsenale and various locations throughout Venice. The graphic identity of the Biennale Architettura 2023 and the design of the publications are the work of Die Ateljee - Fred Swart. Participants in the biennale include Adjaye Associates, atelier masomo, Hood Design Studio, Ibrahim Mahama, Kéré Architecture, MASS Design Group, Theaster Gates, Andrés Jaque and Neri & Hu.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatmindmap, archidose

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The official two-volume catalog documenting the 2023 Biennale's vision of a decolonized and decarbonized future for architectureThe 18th Venice Architecture Biennale, titled The Laboratory of the Future, is conceived as a kind of workshop at which architects present examples from their practices reflecting on themes of decolonization and decarbonization. The biennale also shines a spotlight on Africa and the African Diaspora, with 89 participants, over half of whom are of African descent. Volume I of its catalog is dedicated to the International Exhibition, curated by Ghanaian Scottish architect Lesley Lokko. Projects by each participant are accompanied by a critical text and biographical notes and a rich plate section. Volume II presents the National Participations and the Collateral Events, with illustrated texts that delve into the projects presented in the Pavilions and the Collateral Exhibitions on display in the Giardini, the Arsenale and various locations throughout Venice. The graphic identity of the Biennale Architettura 2023 and the design of the publications are the work of Die Ateljee - Fred Swart. Participants in the biennale include Adjaye Associates, atelier masomo, Hood Design Studio, Ibrahim Mahama, Kéré Architecture, MASS Design Group, Theaster Gates, Andrés Jaque and Neri & Hu.

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