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Thunder Without Rain: A Memoir with Dangerous Game, God's Cattle, The African Buffalo

Tekijä: Thomas McIntyre

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"When you hear thunder without rain-it is the buffalo approaching." This line from a Yoruba hunting poem conveys the magnificent power of the African buffalo, also called "God's cattle." Hunter and writer Thomas McIntyre has pursued this special animal for the last forty years, and he now shares his expertise in Thunder Without Rain. McIntyre's topics are wide-ranging, from the various species of the African buffalo and their territories to the cultural importance of buffalo and its place among wild bovids. Other material he covers includes: African, European, and American methods for hunting buffalo Historical explorers as buffalo hunters Great buffalo hunters, including Theodore Roosevelt, Robert Ruark, Craig Boddington, and Robert Jones Ernest Hemingway's writing on buffalo Correct cartridges for hunting African buffalo And finally, what makes buffalo so dangerous--and so sought after? After exploring all topics related to the African buffalo, including hunts of his own, McIntyre ends with the fate of modern buffalo hunting, now often guided and for a high price, and the sustainability of this practice. In Thunder Without Rain, McIntyre confronts his obsession with African buffalo and brings the reader along for a fascinating journey.… (lisätietoja)
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"When you hear thunder without rain-it is the buffalo approaching." This line from a Yoruba hunting poem conveys the magnificent power of the African buffalo, also called "God's cattle." Hunter and writer Thomas McIntyre has pursued this special animal for the last forty years, and he now shares his expertise in Thunder Without Rain. McIntyre's topics are wide-ranging, from the various species of the African buffalo and their territories to the cultural importance of buffalo and its place among wild bovids. Other material he covers includes: African, European, and American methods for hunting buffalo Historical explorers as buffalo hunters Great buffalo hunters, including Theodore Roosevelt, Robert Ruark, Craig Boddington, and Robert Jones Ernest Hemingway's writing on buffalo Correct cartridges for hunting African buffalo And finally, what makes buffalo so dangerous--and so sought after? After exploring all topics related to the African buffalo, including hunts of his own, McIntyre ends with the fate of modern buffalo hunting, now often guided and for a high price, and the sustainability of this practice. In Thunder Without Rain, McIntyre confronts his obsession with African buffalo and brings the reader along for a fascinating journey.

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