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Pulp: A Practical Guide to Cooking with…

Pulp: A Practical Guide to Cooking with Fruit (vuoden 2023 painos)

Tekijä: Abra Berens (Tekijä)

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561470,156 (3.5)1
"Pulp will change your mind about fruit. It's not just for eating out of hand, baking into a pie, or preserving into a jam or jelly. Roasted fruit can enhance a pork chop or add tartness and fleshy heft to grains. Apricots can be tucked into the most delicious grilled cheese, their brilliant flavor and hue the irresistible stars of the sandwich. Infinitely delicious, endlessly adaptable fruit can center a meal. Here are 95 approachable, healthful recipes for 22 fruits in sweet and savory preparations, each featuring the acidity, sweetness, color, and texture different fruits bring to the plate. Pulp, like beloved author Abra Berens's award-winning first and second cookbooks, Ruffage (on vegetables) and Grist (on grains, beans, and legumes), is written with the same highly approachable structure and recipe style. Each fruit chapter is broken into techniques-raw, roasted, and stewed, for example-with a sweet recipe and a savory recipe for each technique"--… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Pulp: A Practical Guide to Cooking with Fruit
Kirjailijat:Abra Berens (Tekijä)
Info:Chronicle Books (2023), 432 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Pulp: A Practical Guide to Cooking with Fruit (tekijä: Abra Berens)


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I don’t cook with fruit that often, and was really intrigued by the concept of this cook book. While I have a few recipes for sweets using fruits, I don’t have anything savory. As such, I was hoping this book could help me expand my cooking horizons.

To start, the book is thick. And gorgeous (the photos are stunning and all of the food looks amazing). Additionally, there is a wide range of categories within the book, which allows you to pick how adventurous you want to be. Some are straight forward and only use a few ingredients, while others were a bit more complicated (and might take a few try’s to get a right). All in all, I am so excited about this book ( )
  bb.reads | Jun 19, 2023 |
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"Pulp will change your mind about fruit. It's not just for eating out of hand, baking into a pie, or preserving into a jam or jelly. Roasted fruit can enhance a pork chop or add tartness and fleshy heft to grains. Apricots can be tucked into the most delicious grilled cheese, their brilliant flavor and hue the irresistible stars of the sandwich. Infinitely delicious, endlessly adaptable fruit can center a meal. Here are 95 approachable, healthful recipes for 22 fruits in sweet and savory preparations, each featuring the acidity, sweetness, color, and texture different fruits bring to the plate. Pulp, like beloved author Abra Berens's award-winning first and second cookbooks, Ruffage (on vegetables) and Grist (on grains, beans, and legumes), is written with the same highly approachable structure and recipe style. Each fruit chapter is broken into techniques-raw, roasted, and stewed, for example-with a sweet recipe and a savory recipe for each technique"--

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