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Answering Atlas (Knights & Dragons MC, #3)

Tekijä: Chantal Fernando

Sarjat: Knights & Dragons MC (Book 3)

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2-5,294,414 (3)-
New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando delivers the sexy third installment in her Knights and Dragons motorcycle club series. He was everything she didn't want and exactly what she needed. She refuses to date him. The daughter of the infamous Rake from the Wind Dragons MC, lawyer Natalie Ward knows all too well the problems that come with getting involved with a biker. That's not for her--she'll stick to suits over leather. And nothing will change her mind, especially not a sexy, built-like-a-Greek-god biker that rides for the Knights of Fury, another MC.   He loves a challenge. Atlas is on a manhunt to find a rival gang leader and the last thing he needs is a distraction. But when he runs into Natalie at a bar with all her strength and beauty wrapped in a power suit, he can't look away. He wants to forget her and running into her at every corner in town doesn't make it easier. Being with her is impossible, but it's the only thing that makes sense. Never...say never. When Atlas helps her get out of a difficult situation, Natalie can no longer ignore their growing attraction. But when a common enemy of both their clubs becomes a client at her law firm, she finds herself pulled into the very world she's sought to avoid...  Knights & Dragons MC Book 1: Decker's Dilemma Book 2: Rhett Redeemed Book 3: Answering Atlas Knights of Fury Book 1: Saint Book 2: Renegade Book 3: Temper Fast & Fury Book 1: Custom Built Book 2: Custom Made Book 3: Custom Love… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatLynnePriest

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New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando delivers the sexy third installment in her Knights and Dragons motorcycle club series. He was everything she didn't want and exactly what she needed. She refuses to date him. The daughter of the infamous Rake from the Wind Dragons MC, lawyer Natalie Ward knows all too well the problems that come with getting involved with a biker. That's not for her--she'll stick to suits over leather. And nothing will change her mind, especially not a sexy, built-like-a-Greek-god biker that rides for the Knights of Fury, another MC.   He loves a challenge. Atlas is on a manhunt to find a rival gang leader and the last thing he needs is a distraction. But when he runs into Natalie at a bar with all her strength and beauty wrapped in a power suit, he can't look away. He wants to forget her and running into her at every corner in town doesn't make it easier. Being with her is impossible, but it's the only thing that makes sense. Never...say never. When Atlas helps her get out of a difficult situation, Natalie can no longer ignore their growing attraction. But when a common enemy of both their clubs becomes a client at her law firm, she finds herself pulled into the very world she's sought to avoid...  Knights & Dragons MC Book 1: Decker's Dilemma Book 2: Rhett Redeemed Book 3: Answering Atlas Knights of Fury Book 1: Saint Book 2: Renegade Book 3: Temper Fast & Fury Book 1: Custom Built Book 2: Custom Made Book 3: Custom Love

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