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90 Days With the Christian Classics: Devotions from Yesterday...for Today (One Minute Bible)

Tekijä: Lawrence Kimbrough

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
29-821,765 (3.5)-
For centuries, great writers have shaped our understanding of Christianity, shaking the world as they articulated the pain and joy of the Christian experience. Now, readers can discover these influential works in this all new One Minute Bible -- a collection of writings from those who helped originate, define, and develop the greatest Christian literature.Inspirational, educational, and richly crafted, these excerpts are compiled from the most popular and powerful Christian writing in history. These daily readings are selected from works by St. Augustine, John Calvin, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Each day's reading includes a special Bible passage, the featured selection, an informative biographical sketch of the author, and further information about their times and influence.The names -- C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, G.K. Chesterton -- are legendary. Their works are an essential part of our Christian heritage. And with the One Minute Bible, they are more accessible than ever before.… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


For centuries, great writers have shaped our understanding of Christianity, shaking the world as they articulated the pain and joy of the Christian experience. Now, readers can discover these influential works in this all new One Minute Bible -- a collection of writings from those who helped originate, define, and develop the greatest Christian literature.Inspirational, educational, and richly crafted, these excerpts are compiled from the most popular and powerful Christian writing in history. These daily readings are selected from works by St. Augustine, John Calvin, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Each day's reading includes a special Bible passage, the featured selection, an informative biographical sketch of the author, and further information about their times and influence.The names -- C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, G.K. Chesterton -- are legendary. Their works are an essential part of our Christian heritage. And with the One Minute Bible, they are more accessible than ever before.

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