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You Are Your Healer: The Ultimate Guide to…

You Are Your Healer: The Ultimate Guide to Heal Your Past, Transform Your Life & Awaken to Your True Self (vuoden 2022 painos)

Tekijä: Yol Swan (Tekijä)

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423,452,755 (4)-
Are you a sincere seeker but feel stuck on your healing or spiritual journey? Break free from a wounded perception and take effective steps toward deep healing and enlightenment.? Do you struggle with negative emotions or get deflated when other people's behavior doesn't match your expectations? Do you unconsciously sabotage your relationships and goals with impulsive reactions or yearn for greater clarity on your spiritual path? ??With over thirty years of experience exploring the mind through psychology, spirituality, and nonduality, spiritual teacher and author Yol Swan has helped clients across the world gain inner knowledge and freedom. Now she's here to share the Swan Method to unleash your full spiritual potential. Integrating ancient Vedic wisdom into a practical system of self-discovery, she guides you through an empowering process to understand the true nature of reality and heal the wounded perception that blocks the love and happiness for which you yearn.? Perhaps you've been working on yourself to grow emotionally and spiritually, but you haven't made the progress you hoped for, because your mind pulls you in different directions. Imagine what your life would be like if you could let go of your past and negative emotions to be completely present and at peace. This extraordinary book shows you how. ??If you are a serious seeker or a student of yoga and spiritual philosophy, You Are Your Healer provides a clear framework to gain emotional and spiritual freedom and to transform your life from within, without needing to control anything external.?? When you follow the Swan Method consistently, your experience of life shifts spontaneously as you reclaim the Divine Consciousness you really are and have always been-free, limitless, and eternal.??You Are Your Healer is an empowering guide toward self-mastery through self-inquiry. If you like Eastern spiritual philosophy, practical tools for personal transformation, and making lasting changes for the better, then you'll love Yol Swan's system of self-awakening!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:You Are Your Healer: The Ultimate Guide to Heal Your Past, Transform Your Life & Awaken to Your True Self
Kirjailijat:Yol Swan (Tekijä)
Info:Sri Devi Press (2022), Edition: 1st, 274 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


You Are Your Healer: The Ultimate Guide to Heal Your Past, Transform Your Life & Awaken to Your True Self (tekijä: Yol Swan)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatdolly22, Chelsea.Marshall, ahc0002, EarlyReviewers

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näyttää 2/2
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Beautifully written with such empathy and compassion. I particularly liked the content on codependency and how to overcome this and other obstacles to transform your life. ( )
  dolly22 | May 15, 2023 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
It is taking me awhile to get through this book as it isn't one that I want to rush through. I am enjoying the content thoroughly. It has echoes of other techniques, philosophy, etc that I have heard in other self-help books but I appreciate how the content is organized in this book. I hope to update this review when I have finished this book but I am taking my time digesting what there is.
  Chelsea.Marshall | Jan 18, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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Are you a sincere seeker but feel stuck on your healing or spiritual journey? Break free from a wounded perception and take effective steps toward deep healing and enlightenment.? Do you struggle with negative emotions or get deflated when other people's behavior doesn't match your expectations? Do you unconsciously sabotage your relationships and goals with impulsive reactions or yearn for greater clarity on your spiritual path? ??With over thirty years of experience exploring the mind through psychology, spirituality, and nonduality, spiritual teacher and author Yol Swan has helped clients across the world gain inner knowledge and freedom. Now she's here to share the Swan Method to unleash your full spiritual potential. Integrating ancient Vedic wisdom into a practical system of self-discovery, she guides you through an empowering process to understand the true nature of reality and heal the wounded perception that blocks the love and happiness for which you yearn.? Perhaps you've been working on yourself to grow emotionally and spiritually, but you haven't made the progress you hoped for, because your mind pulls you in different directions. Imagine what your life would be like if you could let go of your past and negative emotions to be completely present and at peace. This extraordinary book shows you how. ??If you are a serious seeker or a student of yoga and spiritual philosophy, You Are Your Healer provides a clear framework to gain emotional and spiritual freedom and to transform your life from within, without needing to control anything external.?? When you follow the Swan Method consistently, your experience of life shifts spontaneously as you reclaim the Divine Consciousness you really are and have always been-free, limitless, and eternal.??You Are Your Healer is an empowering guide toward self-mastery through self-inquiry. If you like Eastern spiritual philosophy, practical tools for personal transformation, and making lasting changes for the better, then you'll love Yol Swan's system of self-awakening!

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